Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's General Election announcement descends into 'utter chaos'

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was drenched as he announced a general election outside Downing Street
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was drenched as he announced a general election outside Downing Street -Credit:Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror

Viewers were baffled as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a general election in the torrential rain.

Speculation began mounting in Westminster this morning that an election announcement could be on the cards. Rumours swirled following news that inflation has fallen to 2.3% - the lowest figure in around three years.

The reports proved to be true when Conservative leader addressed the nation outside Downing Street today. Mr Sunak confirmed the country will go to the polls on July 4.

READ MORE: Viewers distracted as PM 'trolled' during election announcement

READ NEXT: The Conservatives have wrecked Britain, the time to remove them is here as General Election is announced

However, viewers reacting to the announcement were confused as Mr Sunak's address was overshadowed by the torrential weather. The Prime Minister got soaked in the pouring rain and was also drowned out by somebody playing the soundtrack to Tony Blair's 1997 winning campaign, Things Can Only Get Better.

Viewers were baffled as to why the Prime Minister decided to make the announcement outside. Alex said: "Someone started playing Labour 97 song during Rishi Sunak’s election speech while he gets drenched… a PR nightmare"

Paul posted: "This is hilarious. He’s having a nightmare. Things can only get better. Stuart said: "Rishi Sunak's speech in the rain with music blaring out sums up his party in government. Utter chaos. 14 years of failure."

Terry added: "Curious about the thought processes behind the decision to make this announcement in the pouring rain with 'Things Can Only Get Better' blasting out in the background, when there is a hugely expensive press briefing room sitting empty"

Lucy commented: "Why has Rishi stood outside when they have a conference room inside that we, as tax payers, paid 1.8 million pounds for them to have built?!!"

Peter posted: "Why not use the expensive press room inside No 10 when it is pouring with rain outside?"

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