Prime Minister in South Wales as General Election campaign begins

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak meets members of staff at the Vale of Glamorgan Brewery, in Barry, south Wales including MP for Vale of Glamorgan, Alun Cairns (far left) while on the General Election campaign trail. <i>(Image: PA Wire)</i>
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak meets members of staff at the Vale of Glamorgan Brewery, in Barry, south Wales including MP for Vale of Glamorgan, Alun Cairns (far left) while on the General Election campaign trail. (Image: PA Wire)

RISHI Sunak made South Wales top priority on the first day of campaigning after calling a General Election yesterday.

The Prime Minister toured the Vale of Glamorgan brewery at Atlantic Business Park in Barry on Thursday lunchtime.

He was joined on his visit by Wales Secretary of State and Monmouth MP David TC Davies and Vale of Glamorgan MP Alun Cairns.

The visit was part of the Prime Minister's bid to win the election he called yesterday, set for July 4.

The Prime Minister, himself a teetotaller, was shown brewing processes on the second stop of his tour of the UK’s four nations as he sought to seize the initiative at the start of the General Election campaign.

He told staff they were “part of a proper industry that we’re keen to support”, mentioning a “Brexit pubs guarantee” and support with business rates.

The Prime Minister met brewery staff in South Wales where he discussed his party’s support for the sector during a brief campaign stop.

Rishi Sunak also asked if the workers were looking forward to the football later this summer as a potential source of revenue, despite Wales not qualifying for the Euro 2024 tournament.

The Vale of Glamorgan is one of Labour's target seats in Wales. It is set to be a tight seat - the equivalent seat in the Welsh Parliament is already held by Labour.

Kanishka Narayan, Labour’s candidate for the Vale of Glamorgan, said: “The people of the Vale of Glamorgan look forward to the future. They can choose for more of the same chaos, insecurity, and instability with the Conservatives, or choose a changed Labour Party that will deliver for families not only here in the Vale, but across every region and nation of our United Kingdom.

"The Conservatives have eroded our economy, our living standards and worst of all, our hope. I’m here to say there is an alternative, and that alternative is a Labour Party that will deliver for the people of the Vale of Glamorgan.”

Conservative MP for the Vale of Glamorgan, Alun Cairns, said: “I am delighted to have welcomed Rishi Sunak to Barry to support local businesses and visit the Vale of Glamorgan Brewery.

"The UK Government has continued to discount business rates by 75% although the Labour Welsh Government only offer 40%. Adding thousands of pounds to their bills, they are truly damaging our small businesses.

“The Prime Minister was almost as excited as local residents for the plans for Barry Marina and recognised the role it will play in continuing to regenerate Barry.

"He recognised the persistence I showed in order to get the £20million as well as highlighting the additional £20million I have secured for town centre regeneration.

"Rishi even said ‘he was convincing in his case that Barry was a strong candidate and has to be awarded these grants’.”