Prince George, Charlotte and Louis' favourite ‘relaxed and playful’ royal relative revealed - they ‘bring a sense of normality’ to their lives

 Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.
Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

An inside source has revealed who in the Royal Family youngsters Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis rely on to ‘bring a sense of normality’ to their lives - and they've become known as the most ‘relaxed and playful’ member of the family.  

We know that royal life can be stressful and put a strain on those who find themselves holding the top positions in the royal line of succession. Put on top of that that it's currently an especially tough time for the Royal Family at the moment, with King Charles III undergoing treatment for cancer and Kate Middleton recovering from preventative cancer treatment, and things must be incredibly hard.

But for Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, eight, and Prince Louis, six, who are currently enjoying ‘precious’ family time with their mum, there's one royal relative who is helping to 'bring a sense of normality' to their lives with their ‘relaxed and playful’ nature, an inside source has revealed.

According to reports in The Times, the children's uncle-like figure Mike Tindall, whose wife Zara Tindall is Prince William's cousin and also Prince George's Godmother, has consistently brought 'joy and balance' to the youngsters' lives and is always on hand to 'bring a sense of normality' to their lives.

The source revealed, "While some family members can be very ‘royal’, Mike is just himself and is relaxed and playful with George, Charlotte and Louis.

"It helps that they all have children around the same age that they can fool around together privately and bring a sense of normality to what is a stressful situation for everyone involved."

His importance in their lives has only been heightened in recent months, with society magazine Tatler reporting that his 'good humour, enthusiasm and positivity' has been 'vital' in supporting the kids and letting them be children instead of royals. Him and Zara are so important, in fact, that the magazine called them 'the glue of the royal family’ despite the fact they are not senior royals or official members of The Firm.

In addition to Mike's presence, the children also enjoy the company of his kids, Mia, Lena, and Lucas. Speaking to The Telegraph, Mike said of the children's bond, "Lena and obviously Louis are similar ages and Mia's sort of in between Charlotte and George, and then you've got Peter's children Savannah and Isla who are just a little bit older.

"James (Prince Edward's son) is, well not exactly the ring leader, but he's the oldest. So, yeah, it's going to be a good little group."

We're sure that George, Charlotte and Louis appreciate Mike's presence more so now than ever and we can't help but imagine them and the rest of the royal youngsters getting together to enjoy the exciting new feature in King Charles’ garden - who knows, maybe Mike will get in on the fun too!

In other royal newsthese two royal relatives are the perfect ‘role models’ for Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis and will show them how to navigate life, says royal expert, while Prince William has used Princess Charlotte’s favourite ‘dad joke’ to get a laugh - and it’s got the seal of approval from this popular comedian.