Prince Harry loses High Court appeal in row over his UK security

Prince Harry
Prince Harry -Credit:Getty Images

Prince Harry has been issued a blow by the High Court after a judge rejected his attempt to appeal against a decision which was made regarding his security. It comes after the Duke of Sussex had his security level downgraded when he stepped down as a senior working royal.

Ravec, the committee that oversees security arrangements for the Royal Family and other high profile figures, decided in February 2020 that Harry was no longer entitled to automatic police protection when in the UK. The 39 year old took legal action against the Government following the decision.

And now High Court judge Sir Peter Lane has now thrown out his attempt to appeal the verdict after rejecting it in February. The judge "penalised" the Home Office for its delay in providing information about the workings of Ravec.

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The Government department was legally required to mention three categories of people for whom Ravec provides state protection, The Express reports. These include: role-based individuals such as working members of the Firm, other VIPs and those who need occasional support.

But they failed to do so and as a result, Harry’s legal team was not made aware of the “other VIP” category, something they say was crucial to his claim. They sought “a reduction of 50-60 percent because of the way in which the documents and information were disclosed” and the judge granted a 10 per cent discount.

In court documents seen by the Times, Sir Peter said that while the Home Office had not acted in bad faith, “the defendant’s breaches are, in all the circumstances, sanctionable”.

A Home Office spokesman said: “While we are pleased with the decision of the Court to refuse permission to appeal, it would be inappropriate to comment further on legal proceedings.”

The case is now expected to be taken directly to the Court of Appeal by Harry's legal team.