Prince Louis' scathing reply after Princess Charlotte telling off at Trooping the Colour

Prince Louis' brutal reply after Princess Charlotte's telling off at Trooping the Colour has been revealed. Louis accompanied mum Kate Middleton on her first appearance since her tragic cancer diagnosis at the Royal Family milestone event today (Saturday).

According to lip reader Nicola Hickling, as Louis danced, Charlotte appeared to say: "You have to stop doing that. Watch the parade", to which Louis replied: "I won't". In turn, Charlotte seems to say: "Do as you're told" and Louis added: "Nope."

Carol Haddow, 64, from Scotland, and her husband Brian, 42, were among thousands of people lined along The Mall. Mrs Haddow said: “Like anybody going through chemotherapy, it's a big thing for her to come out and do this. We were a wee bit back but she looked fine, happy to be involved and she was with the kids."

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is among those who have taken their seats at this morning's Trooping the Colour. The Tory leader said yesterday of Princess Kate's return: "It's wonderful, wonderful news. I think the whole country will be behind the Princess of Wales in her recovery.

"I saw her statement earlier, I thought it was brave, I thought it was honest and I'm sure it will bring great comfort to so many other people who are grappling with similar health issues." Barbara Bell, 67, travelled from Ohio with pals Carol Killen, 73 and Kathy Zibbel, 74, to catch a glimpse of the recovering Princess of Wales.

Barbara said: “We’re here to see Kate and the other royals coming out on the balcony." She went on and said: "Her appearance today makes us know she’s doing ok - it’s a feeling of hope because if she wasn’t well enough she wouldn’t be coming out at all — it’s a real sense of hope.”