Princess Beatrice cuts Ed Sheeran with sword in party gaffe
With sword skills like this, it’s a good job that Princess Beatrice is only 7th in line to the British throne.
The 28-year-old princess has apparently sliced open poor old Ed Sheeran’s face after a party prank went horribly wrong. Ed has been left a rather macho Action Man-style scar on one cheek after Beatrice pretended to knight James Blunt – and missed HORRIBLY.
The royal high jinks turned to bloodshed when soldier-turned-singer James joked to Beatrice that he’d just love to become a Sir someday. The princess gamely grabbed the nearest ceremonial sword and kicked off a mock knighthood ceremony. Unlucky Ed was caught in the crossfire.
An anonymous reveller at the party, which took place at Prince Andrew’s Royal Lodge in Windsor, even told The Sun that Beatrice could’ve had the Thinking Out Loud singer’s eye out.
“Ed had been invited to dinner as a guest of Princess Beatrice,” the insider explained. “They all sat down and there were 20 or so guests, including Sarah Ferguson, James Blunt and his wife Sofia Wellesley. Prince Andrew was in Mexico on a trade mission.
“As the night wore on they started talking about honours and apparently James Blunt joked that he would love a knighthood. Beatrice jokingly said she could arrange it and fetched a ceremonial sword.
“Everyone was having a great laugh and the joke was very much in keeping with the tone of the whole party. James played along with the prank and got down on one knee as he would if he were at Buckingham Palace being honoured by The Queen.
“Beatrice, who was in great form, held the sword above him and said ‘arise Sir James’, just like her nan would at the Palace. But she must have misjudged the weight or something and, instead of lightly tapping him on the shoulder, she swung it back, not knowing Ed was standing right behind her.
“The blade cut into his face and it was just a few inches from his right eye. A couple of the guests said it could have been worse and he could have been blinded in the eye but Ed really played it down.
“Everyone was totally shocked and apparently Beatrice was very upset. But Ed was the perfect gentleman and told her it was just an accident. However it became apparent that the wound needed treatment so Ed was taken to hospital. He had to have stitches put in.”
Still, at least Ed’s injuries were minor enough for him to return to the bash as soon as he’d been stiched up in A&E.
“Afterwards, Ed went back to the house and carried on the party, as Cherry was there and he wanted to show he was OK to Beatrice,” the insider continued.
“Obviously the princess was upset and everyone was talking about it, but she and Ed spoke about and everything was fine. She did nothing wrong except mess around at a party and her friends, including Ed, all told her that.”
Phew, no harm done then!
Next time Prince Andrew decides to jet off somewhere, maybe someone could remind him to lock his swords up, eh?