Princess Charlotte’s morning struggle with brother Prince George is so relatable - and Prince William knows exactly how to handle it

 Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Prince Wililam has revealed that his two oldest children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, have a typical brother/sister regime that takes place every morning before school - and anyone with kids their age will understand the struggle. 

Keeping things civil between siblings can be a struggle, with many parents wondering how you can prevent sibling rivalry when you decide to expand your family and think about having a second baby.

Of course, it's natural for kids to argue, get into petty fights and moan about each others' annoying habits - though, in good news for parents, science has shown that kids who fight with their siblings will fare better in life. But while your kids are arguing first thing in morning, not giving you even a second to enjoy your morning coffee and wake up, you can rest assured in the fact that it's no different for Prince William and Kate Middleton either.

That's because Prince William has revealed that his two eldest children Princess Charlotte, eight, and Prince George, ten, tend to start every single day arguing about what song to listen to over breakfast.


According to their dad, the youngsters have wildly different music tastes and often disagree over what music should be playing, with Charlotte loving the song Waka Waka by Shakira and George, who sits second in the royal line of succession, favouring the band AC/DC.

Like most siblings, Prince William revealed that the youngsters' clashing tastes tend to lead to arguments most mornings but he's finally come up with the perfect parenting approach to keep them both happy.

According to The Mirror, he shared, "What I've been amazed by is how much my children already have inherited my family's love of music. Most mornings there's a massive fight between Charlotte and Prince George as to what song is played.

"And I have to, now, basically prioritise that one day someone does this one and another day it's someone else's turn. So, George gets his go, then Charlotte gets her go. Such is the clamour for the music."

The tactic works, with the Prince saying that he now gets to enjoy watching the pair, as well as his youngest child Prince Louis, "dancing, messing around and singing" to the music as they get ready for school.


Starting the morning off with some fun-inducing music is a great way to wake kids up and get them ready for the day, especially if you tend to struggle with school run meltdowns or need some help getting everyone to leave the house on time each morning.

It's also a brilliant way to get yourself in a good mood too and this is something Prince William relies on - especially on those groggy Monday mornings when you just want to stay in bed.

The Prince of Wales previously revealed on the podcast Time to Walk, "There's nothing better than, on a Monday morning, when you're a bit bleary-eyed after the weekend and trying to get yourself back into the grind of the week, listening to AC/DC - Thunderstruck.

"It absolutely wakes you up, puts your week in the best mood possible, and you feel like you can take on anything and anyone."

We know what we'll be doing the next time we're struggling to wake up!

In other royal newsthese two royal relatives are the perfect ‘role models’ for Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis and will show them how to navigate life, says royal expert, while Prince William has used Princess Charlotte’s favourite ‘dad joke’ to get a laugh - and it’s got the seal of approval from this popular comedian. Plus, Prince George, Charlotte and Louis will skip iconic royal event this year - but the reason why is completely understandable.