Prisoners could be released after serving 43 per cent of sentences to tackle jails overcrowding

Prison populations are suffering an overcrowding crisis
Prison populations are suffering an overcrowding crisis

Criminals could be released from jail after serving only 43 per cent of their sentences under plans being considered to tackle the prison overcrowding crisis.

No 10 and the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) are discussing the proposals to reduce the time that convicted offenders spend in jail as a way to avoid running out of places in prison.

Prisoners serving standard fixed-term sentences are currently automatically released on licence after serving half of their sentences.

The move would effectively bake earlier release dates into the criminal justice system, offering a medium-term solution to the overcrowding crisis, which has seen the number of spare places in male prisons dip below 300. It would affect about 42,000 prisoners serving sentences of under four years.

Ministers see the option as politically more palatable than the current plan to scrap most prison sentences under 12 months amid a revolt by more than 50 Tory MPs over what they claim is “soft” justice.

The 43 per cent proposal would instead mean that courts could still jail such offenders but for a shorter length of time.

Ministers believe that it would mean they could scrap the current early release scheme, which comes into force from Thursday and allows criminals to be released up to 70 days before the end of their prison sentence.

There are fears that this will only give the MoJ a couple of months of breathing space before prisons fill up again.

The Sentencing Bill, which contained the plan to scrap short sentences, has been on hold since last year when it was first unveiled.

A source said: “We are coming to a point where we cannot use ad hoc early release as a way to deal with overcrowding. Reducing the time for standard determinate sentences from 50 per cent to 43 per cent would be a way of embedding it in the system.”

An MoJ spokesman said: “We are exploring all options to make sure the Bill achieves its aims and will consider amendments in the usual way.”

It came as the Metropolitan Police revealed that it had refused to follow advice to chief constables to make fewer arrests because prisons are running out of spaces to accommodate suspects.

Sir Mark Rowley, the Met Commissioner, is said to be “furious” about the advice by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) to consider pausing “non-priority arrests” and suspend operations that could trigger “large numbers of arrests” because of overcrowding in prisons in England and Wales.

It is understood that Sir Mark feels the advice crossed a line where police forces should be free to arrest suspects whom they believe to be a threat to public safety without any interference.

An aerial view of HM Prison Peterborough
The move would affect about 42,000 prisoners serving sentences of under four years - APS (UK)/Alamy Stock Photo

In a sign of the anger over the move, Dame Lynne Owens, the force’s deputy commissioner, said that it would “never agree” to pausing arrests and would always make the protection of the public their top priority.

The advice was issued by the NPCC last week at the same time as the MoJ was forced to order delays in bail hearings by magistrates to avoid increasing the number of criminal suspects being remanded into custody.

Andy Cooke, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, has called for a royal commission to come up with reforms to a “dysfunctional and defective” criminal justice system.

“The police operate as part of a wider criminal justice system which is dysfunctional and defective. The parlous state of the wider system significantly hampers the police’s efficiency and effectiveness,” he said.

“In its 2019 manifesto, the Government pledged to establish the Royal Commission for the Criminal Justice System. If anything, the arguments in its favour are stronger now than they were then.”