Pro-Palestine protesters rally outside event 'attended by Israeli ambassador' at Royal Society of Arts

Protesters outside the Royal Academy of Arts in London (Workers for a Free Palestine)
Protesters outside the Royal Academy of Arts in London (Workers for a Free Palestine)

Pro-Palestine protesters demonstrated outside the Royal Society of Arts in London as an event reportedly attended by the Israeli ambassador took place.

The demonstration on Thursday came hours after ambassador Tzipi Hotovely sparked controversy by telling an interview that Israel would not accept a two-state solution once the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza is over.

Protesters waved flags, chanted “shame on you” and banged drums as they waved banners with pro-Palestinian slogans from around 10.30am.

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson said conditions were imposed on the group at around 1.30pm, and they dissipated ten minutes later.

“One man, not believed to be part of the protest, was arrested for section 5 of the public order act having been asked to leave the event at the property by security,” said a Met spokesperson.

The Royal Society of Arts has apologised over the event, saying an “external client” had booked it without providing full details.

Protesters outside the RSA (Workers for a Free Palestine)
Protesters outside the RSA (Workers for a Free Palestine)

“An event was held at the RSA today by an external client who did not disclose the full event details in advance,” said a spokesperson.

“The RSA neither condones nor endorses this event. We are an apolitical organisation and have launched an internal investigation.

“We apologise extensively to anyone affected and upset by this today and will ensure that robust measures are put in place in the future to ensure this will not happen again.”

The event was reportedly a summit to bring together investors and start-ups called Restart.IL Economy London.

Sky News reported the event also saw former Israeli science minister Izhar Shay unveil a project in memory of his son Yaron, who was murdered by Hamas on October 7.

Workers For a Free Palestine, which organised the demonstration, said it took action to protest “complicity in Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Gaza".

The Standard has contacted the RSA for further comment.