Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Now Posts Videos of Himself Shooting Rivals

Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Telegram/Getty
Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Telegram/Getty

The aftermath of the 2020 election launched lawyer Lin Wood to the top of Trumpworld. Wood, once a famed defamation lawyer, reinvented himself as a dogged investigator of election fraud, setting out to prove Donald Trump had been robbed.

Those efforts didn’t succeed, but Wood became a MAGA star anyway. He embraced QAnon, and brought down the house at a far-right convention with his conspiratorial ravings about the British royal family and the Rothschilds. Wood’s South Carolina plantation became a hub for Trump activists looking to invalidate the election. Wood amassed a following of his own, and infuriated Republican officials when he urged them not to vote in the Georgia special elections because of his fears of voter fraud.

Two years after the election, though, Wood has broken with nearly all of his one-time allies. He saw satanic symbols in their messages, and released secret audio tapes of their conversations. His former law partners are suing him, and he’s facing an investigation from the Georgia Bar. He flirted with the flat-Earth movement.

Now Wood’s taking his alienation from the right a step further. On Saturday, Wood posted edited movie clips on social media that showed the lawyer fatally shooting or holding at gunpoint his political rivals, including MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

“Hilarious!!!” Wood said in a post introducing the videos on the social media app Telegram, where he has more than 500,000 followers.

The edited clips, taken from three Clint Eastwood movies, were created by “Buck Nasty,” an anonymous Telegram user whose activity closely follows Wood’s various vendettas. Wood, in a text message, insisted to The Daily Beast that he didn’t create the videos himself.

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In the first clip, taken from Eastwood’s A Fistful of Dollars, Wood’s face is superimposed on the action star as he faces down an Old West rogue’s gallery that includes Lindell, Flynn, Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, and members of the election-fraud movement that Wood feels have wronged him in some way. In the clip, Wood’s character shoots them all dead.

McConnell and Graham could not be reached for comment.

In the other two videos, taken from films starring Eastwood as the vigilante hero Dirty Harry, Wood-as-Eastwood holds a gun on a criminal edited to look like Flynn. In one, Wood’s character threatens Flynn that he’ll “blow your head clean off.”

“They were memes,” Wood wrote in a text message to The Daily Beast. “Do you have a sense of humor?”

“I spend most of my time sharing Jesus Christ with others,” Wood added.

Wood frequently posts edited videos of him somehow triumphing over his intra-right foes, though they don’t usually feature him outright murdering them. In their style, the clips recall a controversial video that featured Trump massacring his own rivals that aired at a pro-Trump convention.

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Much of Wood’s ire in the videos fell on Flynn — perhaps no accident, since the retired lieutenant general looms large as an enemy for the lawyer. While the two briefly appeared together on the QAnon conference circuit, Wood turned on Flynn in 2021, releasing audio of the general slamming the conspiracy theory. In their one-sided feud, Wood has taken to calling Flynn “Flim Flam.”

In a June post on Telegram, Wood claimed that more than 70 people had “infiltrated” his home, business, and social media accounts “in a variety of disguises.” Wood even turned on Kandiss Taylor, the longshot Georgia gubernatorial candidate whose campaign seemed to only exist because of Wood’s backing. In Taylor’s case, Wood began to suspect dark symbolism behind her campaign’s use of stars—a common patriotic symbol—in its material. Taylor went on to lose the Republican primary by more than 70 points.

This isn’t the first time Wood has discussed Republican leaders meeting violent ends. In January 2021, days before the Capitol riot, Wood tweeted that then-Vice President Mike Pence would be soon be executed by a firing squad.

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