Professor Tim Spector shares 'superfood' breakfast he eats daily - and it's easy to make

Professor Tim Spector.
The nutrition expert explained that he always eats it to start the day off -Credit:Mike Marsland/Getty Images for Hearst UK

Professor Tim Spector has shared his recipe for a 'superfood' breakfast that he consumes daily - claiming it can significantly impact inflammation, diabetes, and arthritis.

The professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College London and founder of the ZOE health app revealed that while he varies many meals for diversity, his breakfast remains constant.

He said: "One of the questions I'm asked most often is, What do I actually eat? I try to mix things up as much as possible for my gut health. But breakfast usually remains the same. It's quick, easy and packed with plants and probiotics for my gut health, a simple mix of yoghurt, kafir, Berries and nuts and seeds from my diversity jar. Delicious. I hope you'll try it."

In an Instagram post, he further explained: "I promised I'd show you my favourite way to use kefir and here it is, my go-to gut health breakfast. It's quick, easy and packed with plants and probiotics for my gut health. A simple mix of yoghurt, kefir, berries and as many nuts and seeds as I can manage from my diversity jar to get me to my 30 plant goal."

Diet expert Dr Michael Mosley has previously shared that scientific studies have demonstrated the significant impact of consuming superfoods - particularly fermented ones - on reducing inflammation, alleviating pain and improving conditions like osteoarthritis.

These can include items such as sauerkraut, kimchi and kefir, all readily available in supermarkets.

Dr Mosley suggested that those with immune or digestive system issues could see substantial benefits from incorporating fermented products into their diet.

He also highlighted research indicating that it can aid in better sleep and reduce aches and pains, reports Gloucestershire Live.

He explained how these foods greatly assist our gut microbes: "Topping up your gut microbiota with friendly microbes may also relieve aches and pains. In a randomised control trial 500 patients with osteoarthritis were asked to drink two daily servings of milk containing lactobacillus bacteria."

"After six months they reported less pain and stiffness in their knees and blood tests showed reduced signs of inflammation. That's important because one of the reasons why fermented foods are said to have such widespread beneficial effects is because of their impact on our immune system - damping it down when it overreacts. An overactive immune system can lead to chronic inflammation which in turn can cause many of the diseases which we associate with ageing such as joint pain, type 2 diabetes, and depression."

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