Professor Tim Spector tackles diet 'myth' about osteoporosis

Professor Tim Spector debated with other food experts how to prevent osteoporosis and what diet could do to help
Professor Tim Spector debated with other food experts how to prevent osteoporosis and what diet could do to help with that -Credit:Zoe

Nutrition and health experts have answered the question as to whether it’s important to drink milk and eat dairy products to have strong and healthy bones. Speaking on the Zoe podcast professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London and founder of the Zoe health app Tim Spector spoke about the ‘myth’ that milk is needed to protect against osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis, a condition where bones become fragile, affects one in three women and one in five men over fifty, leading to a significantly increased risk of fracture and potentially loss of independence as we age. But on the Zoe podcast the discussion looked at if the whole idea of having a vitamin D tablet and lots of milk was a substitute for a properly balanced diet.

Professor Cyrus Cooper a rheumatologist said if the body had a good diet with lots of plants then it should get the nutrients it needs: “I think with regard to calcium, we have developed ways of absorbing calcium, which even at really quite low intakes of calcium, we can maintain adequacy. I used to say that, and I was worried about vegetarians and vegans. But looking at the data, you get plenty of calcium from vegetables, leafy veg, the ones that Zoe is trying to promote.

“And if you have a good, diverse plant diet, there’s no evidence you’re going to be calcium deficient. And absolutely no evidence from the trials that giving extra calcium in the form of these artificial tablets is going to help your fracture risk. If anything, one or two of the observational studies suggest that there might be problems associated with giving calcium supplementation to do with cardiovascular disease and the heart.”

Prof Spector said: “We’ve been brought up on this myth that calcium was all important and we just assumed it was a fact. And it’s only really in the last 10 years with all these massive analyses and people start to look at diet differently, a more global, holistic way of looking at food that we start to see that actually, calcium doesn’t even make a list of contenders.

“So it doesn’t matter whether you actually drink milk or not. It’s about the quality of your diet. I think the number one message is try and get more plants now because, as you said, there are 100,000 different chemicals in food. So the more diversity we get, the more we are going to get a balance of these things That’s more important than saying, OK, I’m going to forget all that. I’m just going to take some vitamin D capsules and drink a pint of milk, so I think in a way, that’s where we’ve got it wrong. In the past, we’ve said, Well, there’s one quick fix here where actually there isn’t a quick fix. It’s this holistic idea.”

He explained that diet had a big impact on the risk of getting osteoporosis and getting fractures and added: “It’s the sort of things we talk about in this podcast all the time about having plenty of vegetables being protective, not having lots of junk food, not having lots of fizzy drinks. It’s highlighting that the same things that are good for many other diseases are also good for osteoporosis. It’s actually the combination of foods rather than these individual ingredients, which people use to sell supplements.”

Prof Cooper said exercise no matter what the age was of great benefit to anyone worried about getting osteoporosis and added ‘do not be sedentary’. He said: “Even walking half an hour a day for five days a week is going to do some good to your balance and bone density and risk of fracture. I always told my patients, do something you enjoy because you’re more likely to do that for long periods of time.

“If you hate exercise or you can’t do it for very long. My example of skipping is actually quite a good one or some people who even have arthritic problems.”