Property Ladder's Sarah Beeny has been diagnosed with breast cancer

Photo credit: Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock
Photo credit: Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock

Property Ladder presenter Sarah Beeny has breast cancer.

The 50-year-old revealed her life-changing diagnosis during an interview with The Telegraph, telling the publication that she knew before the doctor ever uttered a word.

"Even though we'd all got masks on, you can look at people's eyes. And I thought, 'Oh, I know what those eyes are saying.'

"Then I turned around and there was this lovely lady there who was a breast cancer support nurse, sitting on the chair next to me. I looked at her and thought, well, you're not here because you're bored or looking for a nice, cool room to sit in," she recalled.

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

"I just said, 'Look, I've got cancer, haven't I?' And they just said yes."

Beeny, who has also hosted Village SOS for BBC One and Sarah Beeny's Little House Big Plans for Channel 4, commenced a course of chemotherapy last week and will undergo a mastectomy in the New Year, followed by radiotherapy.

As opposed to waiting for her hair to fall out due to chemo, Beeny's husband Graham Swift and her four sons Billy, Charlie, Laurie and Rafferty all helped to trim it down.

"To be honest, I wouldn't recommend getting four teenage boys to cut off your hair. Graham was trying to cut it nicely, but the boys – well, they're not going to be famous hairdressers," she joked.

"They said I looked like Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones – I mean, she's beautiful so I was sort of flattered, but my hair is now in some places about a centimetre long and in some places it's an inch long."

Beeny revealed that there's an 80% chance she'll be successfully treated.

"I'm lucky to have this type of cancer, in this place, at my age, with the support I've got around me."

If you would like more information or support about living with cancer or treatment, please click here for guidance from Breast Cancer Now, or click here to learn more from Stand Up to Cancer.

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