Protesters Take to Paris Streets Following First Round of Elections

Protesters took to the streets of Paris on the evening of Sunday, June 30, following the results of the first round of legislative elections, in which the National Rally, a far-right party, took the lead.

Local journalist Cedric Canton captured this footage showing protesters holding signs, flags, and flares while chanting.

“Several thousand Parisian demonstrators gathered on the Place de la Republique in Paris to protest against the rise of the far-right and its score in the first round of the legislative elections,” Canton said.

Sixty-six percent of French people voted in the elections, a number that hadn

Video transcript


Ok ok non pas mal non?

Va en trente-six ont combattu le fascisme et le nazisme du Conseil national de la rsistance.

Nous avons t de toutes les luttes contre la dcolonisation et pour la paix.

Nous sommes l aujourd'hui.

Ce ne laissez jamais les partisans de la haine dfinir votre identit.

Qui des politiques majeures aussi.

La page du macronisme est tourne.

Ouais ouais ok je