Protesters shout at Jim Jordan outside of House hearing in New York City on Alvin Bragg

As Republican Representative Jim Jordan attempted to hold a House Judiciary Committee hearing in New York attacking Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, protesters could be heard shouting and chanting outside.

“Let the public in,” a group of protesters shouted from the hallway located directly outside of the room where Mr Jordan and the House Judiciary Committee held their meeting on Monday,

Outside of the Jacob Javits Federal Building in downtown Manhattan, another group of protesters chanted, “Hey hey, ho, ho, Jim Jordan’s got to go.”

Videos and photos showed people with signs calling Mr Jordan a “traitor,” a “sleazy liar,” an “insurrectionist,” and more.

The backlash is in response to Mr Jordan’s continuous attempts to attack Mr Bragg after he successfully pursued charges against Donald Trump. Monday’s field hearing was just the latest in a contentious back-and-forth with the Manhattan DA.

Mr Jordan sent letters to Mr Bragg demanding he provide evidence about his investigation into Mr Trump as the investigation was ongoing. Then after Mr Bragg unveiled the charges, Mr Jordan attempted to subpoena a former employee of the Manhattan DA.

Last week, Mr Bragg filed a lawsuit against Mr Jordan for what he called an "unprecedentedly brazen and unconstitutional attack by members of Congress."

The committee, led by Mr Jordan, is examining “how Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s pro-crime, anti-victim policies have led to an increase in violent crime and a dangerous community for New York City residents” according to the House Judiciary Committee.

However, New York City leadership disputes their allegations.

In a press conference, Mayor Eric Adams said, “I’m a little disappointed that they’re coming here complaining about crime here when per capita, their crime is through the roof.”

He continued, “This is just an extension of Donald Trump campaigning, and it really makes no sense. We haven’t been communicating to participate and I don’t even know what they’re doing.”

Mr Bragg’s office released a statement saying, “Don’t be fooled, the House GOP is coming to the safest big city in America for a political stunt. This hearing won’t engage in actual efforts to increase public safety, such as supporting national gun legislation and shutting down the iron pipeline.”

They also released a series of graphics that show crime data from the New York Police Department demonstrating that homicides, shootings, robberies, burglaries, and transit crimes are all down in Manhattan.

Mr Jordan has responded by issuing a series of tweets with anecdotal stories about crime in New York.

He also wrote, “170,000 felony crimes were reported in New York City last year — the most since 2006. Major crimes are up 23%. But Democrats say NYC is ‘America’s safest big city.’ Give me a break.”