'I proudly flaunt my rolls in a bikini – beauty isn't defined by body type'

Izzie Rodgers proudly flaunted her tummy rolls in a bikini
Izzie proudly flaunted her body in a bikini -Credit:Instagram/izzierodgers

Renowned body positive influencer Izzie Rodgers has wowed fans with her latest self-love post.

The stunning redhead, who boasts a 241,000 followers on Instagram, is known for promoting realistic and honest body images. And in her recent garden photoshoot, she sported a white bikini to unapologetically embrace her curves.

By confidently flaunting her natural body and encouraging others to accept their unique shapes and sizes, the UK influencer has become an embodiment of self-love on social media.

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In response to the posted pictures, Izzie wrote: "If you needed to see a cutie with rolls enjoy some food. BECAUSE FYI YOU CAN DO BOTH THEM THINGS!"

She further added: "Body type does not = beauty. Beauty is an energy that radiates off of people and usually has NOTHING to do with appearance."

Her photo rapidly garnered more than 6,000 likes and her followers were quick to sing praises about her delightfully refreshingly approach towards beauty and self-acceptance.

One follower expressed her ongoing struggle with accepting her body type and thanked the influencer for sharing, saying: "Thank you for sharing body positivity. You and I have the same body type and I've been struggling with it because it is new for me.

"I got some 'happy relationship' weight on me, which I love, but it is a change I didn't expect. You are making it easier to love myself, so thank you."

While another impressed admirer commented: "You are literally one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen!!!" A further follower, deeply moved by her messages, remarked: "You help me feel good about myself and have helped me to learn to love myself and all my rolls, bumps, and curves. Thank you beautiful for being so inspiring."

A fourth fan also enthused: "You are my favourite person I follow simply because of posts like this! ! My husband and I just booked our yearly beach vacation and i immediately thought about how I'm going to look in a swimsuit, but you are just a reminder that it doesn't matter and I should just enjoy myself! ".

Izzie's candid posts and body positive approach has attracted a big online following. She is forthright about embracing curves as part of a normal body image.

In a previous message to her followers, she declared: "If you ever need hyping up to believe that you can still be beautiful with a belly pouch and spots. I AM YOUR GIRL."

She confidently urged her followers: "Adopt this energy and I promise you good things will start coming to you. YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR BODY."

Expressing how adopting a confident attitude has aided her self-love journey, she suggested: "Fake it till you make it helped me so much with my self love journey. Sometimes it's needed, but once you've made it BOY you will be happy!"

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