The pub close to a distinctive tree

The Swan in the 1930s <i>(Image: Watford Museum Benskins Collection)</i>
The Swan in the 1930s (Image: Watford Museum Benskins Collection)

This pub close to a natural landmark has been serving customers for at least 150 years.

The Watford Observer is delighted to share pictures from the archive at Watford Museum and this week we look back at this image of the Swan Inn.

The museum’s volunteer archivist Christine Orchard said: “Both the Swan Inn in Abbots Langley - and the tree beyond it - have grown since this c1930’s photo.

“George Cowens may be the first person to run the pub as the earliest traced date appears to be 1871 when he was here with his wife.

A more modern view of the pub with the tree close by (Image: Google Street View)

“Today the pub is in a road named College Road but back in George’s day it was known as Asylum Road.

“Leavesden Asylum was opposite the pub and may have provided regular trade.

“Passing travellers were very welcome too as the inn offered meals, accommodation and stabling.”

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