'Public transport service to our airport is worst in the country'

There are concerns about the public transport provision to Bournemouth Airport
There are concerns about the public transport provision to Bournemouth Airport

WHILE the suggestion that Bournemouth Airport might be served by some light rapid transit system smacks of a vanity project, it is probable that our airport is the worst served by public transport of any in the country in relation to its throughput of passengers.

Some improvements are and will be necessary if the airport is to expand but provision is not easy because of the nature of the operation.

I am woken at 6.30 am most mornings by a series of departures.

That means passengers have to arrive at the airport by about 4.30am and will have come from multiple locations - not helpful for public transport operation.

The pattern of arrivals and departures is dependent on the destinations offered and is somewhat irregular again making public provision difficult with arrivals up until late evening.

READ MORE: 'Concern about extra flights from Bournemouth Airport'

Please, no extension of operating hours as was suggested in one letter - 6.30 am is plenty early enough.

If there is to be expansion please can we have flights to non-beach locations like Paris and Amsterdam which might give a better distribution of traffic during the day.

Traffic levels on Parley Lane demand better public transport to the airport but is the airport operator inclined to forego the revenue from it’s drop off fee despite its green protestations.

Peter Impett

Retired public transport development officer at Dorset County Council, Merley