Pub's controversial sign goes viral as 75million see it on X

A pub landlord's sign has gone viral after a picture of it was shared on X and it attracted 75million people to take a look. 3,500 people have had their say after a picture of the sign was shared, thanks to landlord Landlord David Worcester, who runs the Lower Red Lion in Fishpool Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire.

Mr Worcestse put a sign outside his pub, with a chalk message reading 'Dog friendly, child free', and the sign has sparked a debate online. He told the BBC: "I was surprised it went quite as far as it did."

He added he had "no objection to children in any other pub, ever, I just don't want them in mine".

Comments on the post included: "Why has it become socially acceptable to literally hate children?" Pranay added: "Where is this? If anything we need more child free venues. I'd love to swing by!"

The landlord told the BBC he has had the policy "for about 11 years" and had the same rule at a previous venue he managed. But he added that the sign went up after getting complaints fro parents who didn't know about the rule until they came in - with their children.

Mr Worcester added: "I just want to create an environment where my customers can sit and relax, it only takes one child to kick off and that spoils it for absolutely everybody. We've got upwards of 40 pubs in St Albans, all of which are child friendly, most are dog friendly, I believe I'm the only one in the area that isn't."

The landlord has added to the sign with instructions on how to find the nearest alternative child-friendly pub. He said: "I have no objection to children in any other pub, ever, I just don't want them in mine.

"I enjoy a game of pool but I don't want a pool table in here either."