Queen Camilla visits King Charles III in hospital three times in 24 hours

Queen Camilla has visited King Charles III in hospital three times in the past 24 hours.

Camilla, 76, was seen at The London Clinic three separate times after Charles, 75, had surgery for an enlarged prostate on Friday.

She smiled at cameras as she was exiting the clinic, and when asked how Charles was doing, replied, "He's fine, thank you."

It's understood Charles is recovering well after his "corrective procedure" was completed on Friday morning.

The king travelled on Thursday from Sandringham to London to have the operation.

Since Charles announced he was due to have the surgery for the benign condition, the NHS website saw a surge in searches about enlarged prostates.

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said the King was "delighted to learn that his diagnosis is having a positive impact on public health awareness," adding that he wanted to "thank all those who have sent their good wishes".