Queen’s College partners with local butchers for student's meals

Queen’s College partners with local butchers for student's meals <i>(Image: Queen's College)</i>
Queen’s College partners with local butchers for student's meals (Image: Queen's College)

Queen’s College in Somerset has become a "proud partner" of award-winning local butchers The Meat Men.

The day and boarding school ensures top-quality meals for its students through this collaboration, which started in January.

The Meat Men, founded in 2018 by Old Queenian Ed and partner Scott, source their meat within the South West region.

This local sourcing ensures both meat quality and regional economy support.

Jordan Bradley, head chef at Queen’s College, expressed his satisfaction with the partnership.

He said: "We are delighted to continue our partnership with The Meat Men to provide our students with the very best locally sourced, high-quality meat.

"Their commitment to excellence and sustainability aligns with our values at Queen's, and we are proud to support their efforts."

The partnership champions not only high-quality, ethically sourced meat but also community collaboration and sustainability.

The duo behind The Meat Men bring years of expertise in the meat industry.

Starting as a mobile food stand, The Meat Men adapted to challenges introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic and branched out to supply schools, like Queen’s College, with award-winning produce.

Through this commitment, students enjoy both nutritious meals and the knowledge their food supports local enterprise and sustainability.