Queen’s Guard shouts at tourist for touching horse in viral video

A Queen’s Guard shouted at a tourist for getting too close to his horse in a video that’s amassed millions of views on TikTok.

The soldier, stationed outside Buckingham Palace, lashed out at the blonde woman after she touched the animal’s reins while posing for a photo.

The horse then turns its head towards her, forcing the woman to step backwards.

In an attempt to get a bit closer to the horse, though, she then attempts to grab hold of its reins, much to the annoyance of the guard sitting on top of it.

Spotting her move, the guard orders her to stop, shouting: “Stand back from the Queen’s lifeguard, don’t touch the reins!”

Startled by the order, the woman jumps out of her skin, holding her chest as she backs away.

The short clip was shared to TikTok along with the caption: “We Will Never Return To London After This Incident.”

They then added: “He was a rather angry little man.”

Since the video was posted, it has been viewed more than 4.1 million times, with thousands piling into the comments.

One user wrote: “They are military not Disney.”

Another added: “No one should ever touch a horses reins - don’t people understand that. Top soldier!”

“How many times does this need to happen before the tourists GET IT,” a third added.

While another commented: “That’s hilarious, they aren’t just there for tourists.”

A spokesperson for the Army told The Mirror: “We take all incidents like this seriously and want to ensure all those who visit Horse Guards have an enjoyable time.

“This area is particularly busy with tourists and on occasions the soldiers undertaking Guard duty need to shout loudly to alert members of the public if they get too close to the horses, which happened in this case.

“We have signs placed alongside the horse boxes, stating that the horses bite and would always encourage the public not to get close to horses, as after all, they are animals and can be unpredictable.”