How will Queen's funeral compare with those of other world figures?

The Queen's funeral will be an historic moment as world leaders join hundreds of thousands of people in London - but which other international figures had funerals that might compare in terms of their significance and size?

Nelson Mandela

South Africa's anti-apartheid hero and former president died on 5 December 2013.

Around 100,000 queued in Pretoria to view the semi-open casket during three days of lying in state.

A memorial service was held in Johannesburg, with dozens of presidents and prime ministers in attendance, rivalling the turnout for the death of the Pope eight years earlier.

Barack Obama and ex-Cuban leader Raul Castro were filmed in an historic handshake.

There was also controversy when the sign language interpreter in the stadium was later labelled a 'fake' and accused of doing meaningless gestures.

A state funeral took place five days later in Qunu, the village where Mr Mandela grew up, with Prince Charles among about 4,500 guests.

There was a 21-gun salute and flypast, before the casket was lowered into the ground in a private ceremony.

John F Kennedy

President Kennedy's assassination in Dallas in 1963 was one of the 20th century's defining events - a moment that shocked America and the world.

Around 250,000 people visited his coffin, draped with the Stars and Stripes, as he lay in state for 18 hours in the Rotunda of the US Capitol in Washington.

His funeral, on 25 November, wound its way through the city's streets to St Matthew's Cathedral, his casket pulled by six horses.

An estimated one million people lined the route.

One of the most moving images was when his three-year-old son saluted the casket as it left for Arlington National Cemetery.

Queen's funeral plans: Everything you need to know - from how to watch to historic royal traditions

Pope John Paul II

Around four million pilgrims descended on Rome for the Pope's funeral on 8 April 2005, with around 300,000 watching from inside The Vatican itself.

John Paul II had led the Catholic Church for 27 years - the third-longest reign of any Pope.

At least 70 presidents and prime ministers, five kings, four queens were there - and it was described by some at the time as the biggest-ever gathering of world leaders.

The Pope's body - in a cassock and bishop's mitre - was displayed for public viewing in St Peter's Basilica and watched over by Swiss Guards.

His tomb in St Peter's Basilica is now The Vatican's most popular place of pilgrimage.

Ayatollah Khomeini

The religious figurehead led the Iranian revolution and was the country's supreme leader for a decade.

Eight people were killed and hundreds injured in a crush as his body lay in state.

Ayatollah Khomeini's shroud was torn to shreds by mourners as he was carried to the cemetery during his funeral procession on 6 June 1989.

Officials estimated 10 million people turned out in Tehran for the procession in June 1989.

As with all such estimates, large crowds can be hard to accurately size up and are open to exaggerated claims. However, Guinness World Records says it's the largest percentage of a country's population to attend a funeral.

General Charles de Gaulle

France's inspirational wartime leader and former president died suddenly of a heart attack at his home at age 79 in November 1970.

However, his funeral was in sharp contrast to the man often described as France's greatest leader since Napoleon.

Years before, De Gaulle had left detailed instructions for his funeral and said he didn't want a state event or any special titles bestowed on him.

He was instead buried next to his 20-year-old daughter in his home village, his simple gravestone only stating his name and date of birth and death.

Ayrton Senna

The Formula 1 legend died when his car smashed into a concrete barrier at the San Marino Grand Prix.

Despite not being a political leader or royal, Senna was revered in his homeland for his massive success in the racing world.

As Brazil reeled in shock, three days of national mourning were declared.

Senna's coffin was met at the airport by a fire engine draped in the Brazilian flag and hundreds of vehicles flanked the truck as it headed into Sao Paulo.

The 34-year-old's coffin, with one of his helmets on top, rested in a government building and people queued up to seven hours to pay their respects.

Around three million people lined the streets for the funeral on 5 May 1994, with guests including F1 drivers such as Sir Jackie Stewart, Damon Hill and Alain Prost

Kim Il Sung

The death of North Korea's founder saw an estimated million people turn out on the streets of the capital, Pyongyang, for his funeral on 19 July 1994.

Nine days of mourning were declared and all singing, dancing, games and amusements were banned.

A huge portrait of the leader was driven along the procession route and footage shows people young and old crying and wailing hysterically as his coffin, on the roof of a hearse, went by.

However, such reactions from North Korea's citizens are often thought to be forced so as to appear loyal to the regime.

Kim Il Sung was embalmed and lies in a glass sarcophagus in Pyongyang's Palace of the Sun.

Eva Peron

Argentina's first lady and a national hero to many, 'Evita' died in July 1952, aged 33, from cervical cancer.

There was a huge outpouring of grief - eight people died in a crush when her body was moved and thousands injured. Flowers were everywhere in Buenos Aires' streets.

Several million people are said to have filed past her coffin during the two weeks she lay in state. The funeral procession on 10 August drew a similar number to the capital.

Peron's casket was carried on a gun carriage pulled by 48 trade union members in white shirts. People threw flowers from their balconies as it passed.

When a coup kicked out her husband in 1955, Evita's embalmed body went missing.

Years later, it emerged it had been taken to Milan and buried under a false name, before being disinterred and delivered to the former president in Spain.

The body was eventually repatriated and is now in a family mausoleum in Buenos Aires.

Hugo Chavez

Venezuela's socialist president died from cancer in March 2013.

His anti-West stance meant most world leaders stayed away - but pariahs such as Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President Lukashenko of Belarus, and Cuba's Raul Castro were guests of honour.

Hollywood actor Sean Penn was also there.

The public queued for up to 24 hours to see him lying in state and the streets were thronged with hundreds of thousands of his supporters.

Public consumption of alcohol was also banned for a week. Mr Chavez was originally going to be embalmed but the plans were abandoned.

UK funerals from King George VI to Prince Philip

In the UK, the last full state funeral was for former prime minister Sir Winston Churchill in 1965.

With the order of service held at St Paul's Cathedral in London, 112 countries were officially represented.

The TV audience was estimated to be 350 million people worldwide - including unverified figures of 25 million in the UK.

The funeral for King George VI in February 1952 was the first of a British monarch to be broadcast on television.

Some historians said it led to a mass purchase of TV sets.

Princess Diana in 1997, the Queen Mother in 2002, and Prince Philip in 2021 were given ceremonial funerals.

The funeral for Princess Diana, who died in a car crash in Paris at the age of 36, was watched by an average of 32.1 million people in the UK in one of the biggest TV audiences.

An estimated 2.5 billion people are said to have tuned in worldwide.