Question of Sport fans blame Sue Barker's exit for show cancellation

"It became unwatchable"

Sue Barker 2022
Sue Barker hosted A Question of Sport for 24 years. (Alamy).

The BBC's decision to park A Question of Sport after 53 years on air is down to the departure of ex-presenter Sue Barker, according to fans of the programme.

A spokesperson for the broadcaster shared in a statement this week: "Due to inflation and funding challenges difficult decisions have to be made, therefore Question of Sport is currently not in production at the moment".

Read more: Question of Sport sees viewing figures tank since Paddy McGuinness replaced Sue Barker

Barker was allegedly sacked from her post back in 2021, with Top Gear's Paddy McGuinness stepping in for the two subsequent series, but now, writing on social media, viewers and former guest panellists have weighed in on the sad end to a true institution of British telly.

"Question of Sport another victim of the cuts to BBC Budget along with Newsnight and the excellent Victoria Derbyshire Show and local radio and half the TV News operation," read one reaction on X.

"It became unwatchable after they got rid of Sue Barker and put Paddy McGuinness on and changed the format".

Question of Sport's new team Paddy McGuinness, Sam Quek and Ugo Monye. (BBC)
Paddy McGuinness, Sam Quek and Ugo Monye fronted the quiz show for two series. (BBC)

Suzi Perry, who covers Grand Prix motorcycle racing for TNT Sports, also submitted a pretty damning analysis.

"I see #questionofsport has been axed. It had lost all of its class, charm & chemistry since the changes. It used to be such a fabulous show and I loved being a guest. Sue Barker was the warmest and most generous host, the Captains mirrored the energy. That stuff radiates," she wrote.

Read more: Viewers say Wimbledon 'not the same' without Sue Barker and ask BBC to bring her back

"Sue Barker, Phil Tufnell and the other bloke who chose the wrong sport were good whenever I saw it. Admittedly not often. Always stick with a winning team. They never, ever, learn," added someone else.

It's left a sour taste indeed.

Watch: Sue Barker wishes her A Question of Sport departure was ‘handled better’ by BBC