QUIZ: Can you pass a British citizenship test?

The Union Jack could be flown every day on Government buildings across the UK -Credit:iStock Exclusive
The Union Jack could be flown every day on Government buildings across the UK -Credit:iStock Exclusive

The British citizenship test is also known as the 'Life in the UK' test, which makes it sound deceptively easy. You might think if you've spent a considerable amount of the in the UK, it'll be an easy pass. But, the quiz is a lot harder than it sounds.

The test is one of the criteria for becoming a British citizen - and it is notoriously tricky. The set of 24 questions must be completed within 45 minutes and applicants need to correctly answer 75 per cent of them to pass.

As well being able to answer these questions you must also have spent a certain period of time in the country, passed an English language test, and not have any criminal convictions.

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Have a go at the quiz below - and let us know how you did in the comments. Can't view it? Click here to open it in a new window. Good luck!