'Racist' Banksy Mural Scrubbed Off By Council

'Racist' Banksy Mural Scrubbed Off By Council

A council has inadvertently painted over a Banksy mural thought to be worth around £400,000 following a complaint that it was "offensive and racist".

The artwork - which shows a group of pigeons holding anti-immigration placards in front of an exotic-looking foreign bird - appeared on a wall in Clacton-on-Sea after the local Conservative MP Douglas Carswell defected to UKIP.

The signs included "Migrants Not Welcome", "Go Back To Africa" and "Keep Off Our Worms".

Tendring District Council, which removed the work, said it did not know the piece was by the famous artist, and has invited Banksy to come back to paint another mural.

Banksy often uses stencils and graffiti to make comments about society.

The anonymous British artist confirmed he painted the mural by posting pictures of it on his website.

Nigel Brown, communications manager for the council, said it had been inundated with complaints about the removal of the artwork.

However, he said it was council policy to remove anything deemed "offensive and racist" within 48 hours.

He told Sky News: "I have personally had emails from all over the country calling for my resignation, and how I got it wrong.

"It was the wording on the banners that a person found offensive and contacted us.

"Had we known it was a Banksy, I am not saying we wouldn't have done the same thing. However, we do appreciate the social comment."

He added: "We would obviously welcome an appropriate Banksy original on any of our seafronts and would be delighted if he returned in the future."

Mr Carswell's defection has triggered a by-election in Clacton on October 9.

The full list of confirmed candidates:

Douglas Carswell - UKIP; Andy Graham - Liberal Democrat; Howling Laud Hope - Loony; Charlotte Rose - Independent; Bruce Sizer - Independent; Chris Southall - Green; Giles Watling - Conservative; Tim Young - Labour