Racist thug who stalked Glasgow woman to stop her 'mixing with black guys' avoids jail

A stalker with an 'interest' in the KKK who tried to keep tabs on a teenage girl to stop her seeing black people has avoided jail.

James Malcolm, 24, messaged Shaunie Carrick, 18, and another teenage girl between January 2022 and March 2024. The Snapchat texts included a reference to the white supremacist group.

Malcolm also patrolled an area in the north of Glasgow where Miss Carrick stayed in the hope that he would run into her. He later stated he did this to "protect her from mixing with black guys."

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Malcolm, of Kirkintilloch, East Dunbartonshire, described to police about "white power" and that there would be "another Rochdale up here." Malcolm pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to a single stalking charge.

Sheriff Joanna McDonald today tagged Malcolm for four months keeping him indoors between 7pm and 7am. He was also put under supervision for three years.

The sheriff said: "The social worker took the view that the way to deal with this case was to remit it to a higher court as this court does not have the powers available to it for an appropriate sentence.

"This was not an option to me as the Crown decided to prosecute it in this form despite your criminal record and nature of the offence. I have no powers to impose what would have been appropriate which would have been a significant custodial sentence.

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"I must try and impose a sentence to reflect the gravity of the offence which protects the victim and the public from you."

A five-year non-harassment order was also granted which prohibits Malcolm's contact with Miss Carrick. The court previously heard that Malcolm initially met Miss Carrick with friends in Glasgow city centre.

The pair also met in later chance occasions. It was stated that there were no romantic or intimate relations between them.

Around March 2023, Malcolm messaged Miss Carrick on social media chat app Snapchat.

Prosecutor Iain Mathieson said: "He sent screenshots pertaining to the KKK and spoke about the five elements. Miss Carrick had no idea what these messages were about.

"She suspected that he wanted to engage in a romantic relationship with her."

Miss Carrick took screenshots of the messages and blocked Malcolm on social media. Malcolm then contacted another girl who knew Miss Carrick and asked to see her.

He also shouted at the girl and claimed that she was preventing him from seeing Miss Carrick. The girl also took screenshots of messages sent to her by Malcolm.

Malcolm then went to the area in the north of Glasgow where he knew Miss Carrick resided. He came to the attention of police as he had been the victim of an assault.

Malcom was taken to hospital when inquiries were carried out about what happened. He told officers that he was in the area looking for Miss Carrick stating that he was "chasing lassies".

Mr Mathieson added: "He said he needed to save her from black guys she has been out with. He said that it is another Rochdale up here and that he hoped to bump into Miss Carrick.

"He described white power and that he wanted to protect her from mixing with black guys."

Malcolm also made racial slurs such as "n*****" and "p***". Contact was made with Miss Carrick meantime who handed over the screenshots to officers.

Martin Hughes, defending, told the court that his client "has an unhealthy interest in the organisation mentioned in the narrative".

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