RAF ‘considered stripping Carol Vorderman of honorary title’ after anti-government tweets

Carol Vorderman is an  Air Cadet Ambassador and Hononary Group Captain (PA Archive)
Carol Vorderman is an Air Cadet Ambassador and Hononary Group Captain (PA Archive)

RAF bosses considered stripping Carol Vorderman of her honorary title after she branded the Tories a party of “lies and corruption" on Twitter, according to reports.

Ms Vorderman is most widely known for her maths genius and long-run on Countdown, but was also made an Air Cadet Ambassador and Honorary Group Captain back in November 2014.

But after a string of anti-government tweets earlier this year, senior RAF officials debated “hanging her out to dry,” The Sun reported.

In June this year, Ms Vorderman tweeted about a report saying the Conservatives had lost around half of their 2019 voters.

She went on to call the party a “lying bunch of greedy, corrupt, destructive, hateful, divisive, gaslighting crooks”.

In a separate tweet in July, she sparked controversy when she criticised veterans minister Jonny Mercer and his wife Felicity by labelling them “the most petulant, childish pair of the week,” following his comments about military foodbanks.

Mrs Cornelius-Mercer said Ms Vorderman was “inciting hate” for all Tories.

Ms Vorderman and Mrs Cornelius-Mercer have been embroiled in a Twitter feud for several months.

Mrs Cornelius-Mercer reportedly challenged the Chief of the Air Staff Sir Richard Knighton over whether Ms Vorderman’s Tweets were “fitting conduct for an RAF honorary Group Captain”.

Carol Vorderman is a vocal critic of the Conservative Government (Getty Images for Paramount Pictu)
Carol Vorderman is a vocal critic of the Conservative Government (Getty Images for Paramount Pictu)

The Sun quoted one RAF top brass saying in internal discussions: “I feel that making a form comment or commitment either way would be a disaster as it’s a bit of a no-win story.

“Hanging her out to dry wouldn’t look good, but by the same token we can’t support what she is saying as we need to remain politically neutral.”

It also quoted internal emails from RAF aides saying that “subjecting her to the bounds and restraints of the ACP20 [code of conduct] may be problematic”.

According to the newspaper, Sir Knighton brought up the row over Ms Vordemon’s tweets during a meeting with her RAF boss, Air Cadet Commandant Tony Keeling. Air Commodore Keeling reportedly signalled his hope her tenure would end soon.

The RAF declined to comment but top brass told The Sun she was not facing any disciplinary process.