‘RageStation’: Future of gaming will see aggressive players paired up by ‘emotional processor’

Grand Theft Auto 6 video game
The patent outlines how players can be invited to play an 'adversarial or cooperative' game depending on their mood. - AFP

Violent video gamers will be matched with other aggressive contestants and suitably gory games after Sony PlayStation developers unveil plans to monitor the psychological state of players.

In a move that critics warn could create a “rage station”, Sony Interactive Entertainment has lodged a patent in the UK outlining proposals to analyse a player’s heart rate, facial expressions, body language and any violent behaviour or language.

‘Emotional processor’

The application, filed with the Intellectual Property Office, explains how an “emotion processor” will scrutinise pupil dilation and skin response to stress. Developers are even exploring creating a “psychometric or behavioural test embedded within a game or app” to better offer players a game, teammate or opponent based on their mood.

The biometric data proposals have raised the prospect such a games console could encourage and promote unhealthy behaviour in children and teenagers.

Access to highly personal and sensitive information

The patent, which is still pending, has also led to fears the multi-billion pound gaming industry could obtain access to highly personal and sensitive information. Sony Interactive Entertainment, based in Tokyo, failed to respond to repeated requests for a comment.

Video Game Grand Theft Auto
The 'emotions processor' will monitor 'gaming actions' that players display during use of games such as Grand Theft Auto (pictured). - AFP

The invention, called “game player selection based on players emotional states”, explains how the console’s controller, microphone and webcam could be used to monitor a player.

The 20-page patent, seen by the Telegraph, says the “emotions processor” will monitor “gaming actions” such as “rage quitting”, “slamming a controller”, “button smashing” and “game taunts” where players goad or swear at one another online.

‘Psychological measurements’

It says “physiological measurements” such as “heart rate, galvanic skin response, pupil dilation, and the like can be treated as indicators of calm or stress…”.

Meanwhile analysis of a player’s “body language” will allow them to create a “skeletal model” so “known poses” can be “associated with relevant moods.”

It adds: “Various expressions of happiness, joy, anger, frustration and the like in a respective language can be associated with a relevant mood. Similarly volume and tone of voice may be treated as indicia.”

‘Evaluation processor’

The “evaluation processor …. compares the emotional state of the user with those of other players to identify players in a similar emotional state and/or with similar emotional historical data. Close matches may then be paired.

Rockstar Games released on December 4, 2023 the first trailer for the next instalment of "Grand Theft Auto" (GTA), ten years after the release of the previous instalment of the hugely popular and controversial action game.
The 'evaluation processor compares the emotional state of the user with those of other players' in order to pair them up. - AFP

“This will tend, for example, to match aggressive players with each other rather than with less experienced players or those who do not show signs of aggression or frustration during play.”

In an apparent attempt to try to eradicate toxicity between online players, it says “bad combinations of players may be similarly determined, to keep players with certain emotional states apart (either within an instance of a game or within the same team for example).”

‘Adversarial or cooperative’ depending on mood

The patent outlines how players can be invited to play an “adversarial or cooperative” game depending on their mood, adding: “Hence in one game a heightened sense of tension may be desirable, whereas in another a sense of calm or happiness is preferred; being paired with a player in an incompatible emotional state may prejudice this emotional outcome, and this is reflected in the output of the evaluation processor and used by the selection processor to select which players to pair or group.”

It will mean the console will be able to “predict the emotional outcome” - such as “fear or excitement” or “joy and relief” - a player will derive from different types of games.

Meanwhile, “historical information” on a player can be “accumulated” to detect patterns in their emotional states as “players can tend to different moods at different times”.

Dr Richard Graham, a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist and online harms lead at Royal College of Psychiatrists, said: “Any technology that relies on recommender systems, which we know from social media can drive users to more extreme content over time, risks replacing the opportunities of a ‘PlayStation’ with the heated echo chamber of a ‘rage station’.

‘Disastrous results’

“Similar physiological processes could underpin rage, excitement or anxiety, and technology struggles to understand context.

“As we have seen with the algorithms of social media, profiling on limited data can lead to disastrous results.

“One must always anticipate how predators might harness developments to find vulnerable gamers.”

Andy Burrows, an advisor to the Molly Rose Foundation set up by Ian Russell after his 14-year-old daughter committed suicide after researching self-harm on Instagram, warned how the patent could lead to tech companies “harvesting” personal data.

“The broader application of this patent is most concerning,” he said. “The proposal feels startlingly intrusive. An algorithm that targets children’s emotions could be very exploitative.”

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