Rain does not make joints ache, Harvard University concludes after studying 11 million health records

Rainy weather does not make joint pain worse - PA
Rainy weather does not make joint pain worse - PA

The myth that joints ache more in rainy weather has finally been debunked by Harvard University.

Some 2,500 years after the Greeks first noticed a connection between pain and the weather, scientists have finally shown definitively that there is no truth in the belief.

In the biggest study ever into the issue, researchers studied 11 million visits to GPs by more than 1.5 million US pensioners between 2008 and 2012.

They then looked to see if there was a correlation between rainfall and an increase in the reporting of joint or back complaints. They found nothing.

The researchers say the study was so large that it is inconceivable that they would not have spotted a link if one existed.  

“It's hard to prove a negative," said lead author Professor Anupam Jena of Harvard Medical School's Department of Health Care Policy.

“But in this flood of data, if there was a clinically significant increase in pain, we would have expected to find at least some small, but significant, sign of the effect. We didn't.

“No matter how we looked at the data, we didn't see any correlation between rainfall and physician visits for joint pain or back pain. The bottom line is: Painful joints and sore backs may very well be unreliable forecasters.”

There was no link between bad weather and joint and back pain - Credit: PhotoAlto / Alamy
There was no link between bad weather and joint and back pain Credit: PhotoAlto / Alamy

The notion that aching joints and gloomy weather go hand-in-hand has persisted since antiquity.

Hippocrates, writing in ‘On Airs, Waters, and Places’, claimed that those who wish to understand medicine to look at the changing seasons of the year and study the prevailing winds to see how the weather they bring affects health.

The belief has endured over the centuries and well into the present, fueled by a combination of folklore and small studies that have repeatedly yielded mixed results.

An ongoing study by the University of Manchester, which published early results last year, found that as the number of sunny days increased from February to June, people with chronic joint conditions feel better. However when there was a period of wet weather in June and fewer hours of sunlight, pain increased once again.

Scientists have speculated that a change in air pressure could cause fluid in the joints to shift, bringing pain, particularly for people suffering from arthritis .  Low pressure also brings rain, so people may be mistaking the downpour for the cause of their increased discomfort.

However when the new analysis linked millions of doctor's visits with daily rainfall totals from thousands of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather stations they found no link.

Scientists originally thought low pressure could cause the fluid in joints to shift but no link was found - Credit: SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY 
Scientists originally thought low pressure could cause the fluid in joints to shift but no link was found Credit: SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY

Overall, 6.35 percent of the doctor visits included reports of pain on rainy days, compared with 6.39 percent on dry days.

Professor Jena said the human brain was good at finding patterns, even when they do not really exist.

If people expect their knee to hurt when it rains and it does not, they forget about it, he said, but if it hurts and they blame it on the rain, which sticks in the mind because of verification bias.

“As physicians, we should be sensitive to the things our patients are telling us. Pain is pain, with or without rain,”  he added.

“But it's important to know that, at the clinical level, joint pain does not appear to ebb and flow with the weather.”

However charities and experts urged caution about the findings.

Stephen Simpson, Director of Research and Programmes at Arthritis Research UK said: “There is a lot of received wisdom around whether weather makes joint pain and the symptoms of arthritis worse.

“We welcome any research that helps to shed more light on the actual impact of weather on joint pain, as this could help us to identify better pain management strategies going forward.

"While this particular study is indicative that rainfall makes no difference, I think it is important to note that GP visits do not necessarily provide an accurate, singular overview of the severity of an individual’s condition, as people may experience back or joint pain and not speak with their GP about it.”

Dr Will Dixon, Director of The University of Manchester's Arthritis Research UK Centre for Epidemiology, who is leading research into rain and the weather, also said the study had some 'fairly significant limitations.'

"Even if the appointment was for an exacerbation of pain, the time to getting the appointment means their pain event may have in fact been days before their appointment happens.

"There are a few other issues that mirror problems in other studies. They assume the patient is exposed to weather where they live - and we know that some people will be moving around and exposed to different weather.

"They also examine only one type of weather - rainfall - so it is important for readers not to generalise beyond that to assume their is no relationship with other weather types." 

Dr Dixon said results from their own study 'Cloudy with a Chance of Pain' will be published in the Spring.

The new research was published in the Christmas edition of the BMJ (British Medical Journal)