Rangers legends Souness and Ferguson told they have short memories as Celtic diehard has nagging last day fear - Hotline

It's nearly game time for the Old Firm showdown and the pressure is building up on both sets of fans.

No one is safe from a Hotline blast – even Celtic and Rangers legends. Callum McGregor copped if from Gers fans and Ibrox great Barry Ferguson was in the firing line for his Record Sport column on how to stop the Celts skipper. The war of words is nearly over – but not quite yet. Alan Flett, via email, said: “So McGregor wants Rangers to show him what they’ve got. That’s priceless coming from him. He’s the most overrated player I’ve ever seen on a football pitch. I can’t think of anyone else who gets so much praise for doing so little. He’s spent his entire career in the SPFL, surely that tells you everything.”

Meanwhile, Eddie Easson, Ballingry, said: “Barry was well known for being a sly player in his day. He and Graeme Souness talk about mind games, well, who remembers the men again boys jibe from Souness? This is part of football to try and get an advantage and a reaction. The other team fell for it hook, line and sinker.”

Robert McEwan, Mount Vernon, said: “They say this is biggest derby since the last one. Every game is big. Celtic have been quiet this week – let’s hope we do our talking on pitch play well and win.” Steven Morrison emailed: “So caller Chris Lowe is getting the defeat excuses in early for Rangers, good stuff. And on your ‘no penalties at Celtic Park since the dawn of time’ craic; you’ve got to get into our penalty box son, that’s how it works.”

Charles Buchanan emailed: “I just hope Celtic win as I wouldn't like to see it go to goal difference in the last game as Hearts have already secured third spot. What kind of team would Naismith field against Rangers?”

And Paddy Gowans emailed: “I am sick of hearing what players are going to do in the Old Firm game. Nobody can predict what's going to happen, it’s squeaky bum time ahead.”

He might be right.

Elsewhere, Derek McInnes reckons his Killie side gets a bad rap from some but Andrew Lamb, Fraserburgh, said: “I can't see what all the fuss is about. They play a type of game that is more like unarmed combat, and that dreadful pitch of theirs is all to their advantage. Away from home Killie are like watching paint dry.”

Finally, Hibs boss Nick Montgomery is under pressure and Neil Renton, Leith, said: “Montgomery talks about a new strategy when it comes to signing players. It’s a culture they need to introduce first.

-Credit:SNS Group
-Credit:SNS Group

"One that supports, cultivates and manages players. It doesn’t matter who we bring in just now – there’s not a structure at Hibs that will get the best from them.

John Scott, Grassmoor, said: “Not only does the first team coach not know the exact number of players at his disposal but he himself highlighted how much money is being squandered on duds sitting out their contracts. Oh for the days of Rod Petrie. Much maligned for selling the family jewels yet no acknowledgement that the money went straight back on rebuilding the infrastructure the equal of many similar sized English clubs.”