Rangers get shot in the arm for title tussle but how does Brendan Rodgers get flaky Celtic over the line? Monday Jury

Can Rangers’ Scottish Cup win boost their bid to get back into the Premiership title race?

KEITH JACKSON: They certainly needed a shot in the arm and they got it. Also, Celtic showed on Saturday that they are still a flaky bunch. But, in all probability, Rangers have done too much self harming to get back out in front.

CRAIG SWAN: Obviously it is going to make a difference as Rangers needed a win to get back into the right mindset after a couple of poor shows.

ANDY NEWPORT: It’s a much-needed confidence booster for a team that all of a sudden has reverted to all the bad habits they developed during the Michael Beale misadventure. I suspect they’ll still need favours elsewhere if they’re to reignite their title push, though.

MICHAEL GANNON: It steadies the ship after a ropy week. Rangers still have their issues but the title is not done yet and a couple of wins can set them up for Celtic Park. There have been huge questions posed about this side and now is the time to find the answers.

What are the issues Brendan Rodgers needs to address to get Celtic over the line this season?

KEITH: He needs to get Callum McGregor back up to speed or a start. But Celtic’s problems run deeper than the fitness of just one man. Saturday’s performance merely highlighted what Rodgers already knew to be true - his side has been misfiring like this since the start of the season and some serious work will be required in the transfer market.

CRAIG: Defending has to be better. The goals lost at Hampden were poor at the weekend and Celtic need to tighten up.

ANDY: The same ones he’s been staring at all season. An imbalance at centre-back which often leaves Cameron Carter-Vickers having to do the defensive duties of two men and haphazard offerings from his wingers.

MICHAEL: The defence and wide areas remain a concern and the pair are linked as the wingers don’t offer enough protection to the full backs. McGregor building fitness will help but Rodgers should call on James Forrest more.

Were Aberdeen hard done by with some of the VAR calls at Hampden on Saturday?

KEITH: The penalty botch up was inexplicable. When mental gymnastics are required it means something has gone horribly wrong in the TV bunker.

Ref Don Robertson certainly didn’t blow for a foul in the build up and it’s impossible to understand why he wasn’t at least asked to take another look for himself.

CRAIG: Given some of the things that have given because of VAR this season, then maybe a little, yes.

ANDY: The referees had reason enough not to award the Dons a couple of spot-kicks but the trouble - as has often been the case - is the lack of clear communication explaining those calls to the punters in the stadium and at home. It needs to be made much clearer.

MICHAEL: The two marginal calls will have been sore. The Scales handball was a matter of inches and there was a foul in the build up to the other one, so while they were harsh, VAR got them both right.

What should Dundee United fans expect from their side back in the Premiership next season?

KEITH: That’s a tricky one given that they haven’t known what to expect in the Championship on a week to week basis. But a strong Dundee United is good for the general health of the Scottish game. Fingers crossed they make a decent fist of it.

CRAIG: Dundee’s outstanding efforts to make the top six will have raised the expectations amongst the United support.

ANDY: First season back amongst the big boys is always about survival. United haven’t been a stable force in the top flight for far too long and first things first, next season should be about finding a Premiership foothold.

MICHAEL: Top six should be the target. Their chums across the street showed it can be done and United have the resources to expect to be in the top half of the table.