How rare to hear such a heartfelt apology!

One of the moss air filters being installed in Hereford <i>(Image: Herefordshire Council/Balfour Beatty Living Places)</i>
One of the moss air filters being installed in Hereford (Image: Herefordshire Council/Balfour Beatty Living Places)

HOW refreshing it is to hear a genuine heartfelt apology, followed by repentance.

Something so rare these days.

I refer to the letter in last week’s Hereford Times by the Reverend Overton (Letters, June 20).

I am sure the Rev is cognisant of Luke 15.7 and will take some comfort from those words.


I have to confess that in the time since the illustrious moss towers were erected (online: Cost of Hereford’s moss carbon dioxide filter towers, May 30), I have completed 20,000 miles in my diesel Ford Mondeo producing 5000kg of CO2 (five times more than the good reverend produced) and am, like the vast majority of Hereford taxpayers, a miserable sinner.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

On a point of order, I received a letter via Sir Bill from Mark Averill, service director of environment and highways, dated October 6, 2023, saying the cost of the three environmental moss boxes was £303,160.63, although I am assuming not all funding was provided by Herefordians.

I am sure that having bought an electric vehicle the Reverend Overton will receive Green Redemption GR. I also am hopeful for GR for, after much deliberation and soul searching, I have taken the plunge and bought an electric toothbrush.


Sutton St Nicholas