Raven-Symoné tells trolls to stop DMing her wife death threats for the most ABSURD thing

Raven-Symoné and Miranda Pearman-Maday
Raven-Symoné and Miranda Pearman-Maday

Raven-Symoné is shutting down online trolls after her wife has received a torrent of hate — and apparently even death threats — over the past few weeks.

The actress posted a TikTok video alongside Miranda Pearman-Maday on Thursday, addressing the ongoing issue directly.

"Stop it in the comments. And stop with the death threats in her DMs," Symoné said. "It is disrespectful to her and, in turn, disrespectful to me. Stop it."

Apparently, people have been incensed after learning Pearman-Maday didn't watch her wife's Disney Channel projects growing up. Why anyone would think this warrants actual death threats is baffling.

"It's really become wild," Pearman-Maday said, clarifying that she never claimed she didn't know who Symoné was. She simply didn't watch her work until after they met.


Considering there's no law that says you can only marry an artist if you consumed their work within a certain time frame after it was released, this doesn't seem particularly egregious. When you look even more closely at the facts — namely, that Symoné's Disney Channel show for kids, That's So Raven, began airing in 2003, when Pearman-Maday was almost 18 years old — it becomes even more understandable that she missed it.

It's also something Symoné herself has listed as a positive in their relationship before, noting in 2022 that "being in a relationship with someone who doesn't look at you like a famous person even though you have been famous your whole entire life," made her feel like she "[got] to be seen."

And for anyone wondering whether Pearman-Maday has caught up on Symoné's lengthy body of work since they first met in 2015, the answer is yes.

"I think my wife is endlessly talented. I support her beyond," she said. "She also just isn't Raven-Symoné to me. You guys must try and open your minds a little bit and understand there is more behind people that are a celebrity. There is real life here."