Reason why nut allergies are so serious after Love Island star 'nearly dies on plane'

Jack Fowler
-Credit: (Image: Instagram)

Love Island star Jack Fowler has told how he had a life-threatening experience on a plane. The DJ, who starred in the fourth series of the ITV2 dating show, suffered a 'near-fatal' allergic reaction after eating a curry containing cashew nuts, he claims.

In a post on Instagram, the 28-year-old alleged he was served the curry despite telling flight attendants about his severe nut allergy. He said the incident happened while on an Emirates plane.

Speaking about the experience on his Instagram, which has 1.1 million followers, he said: "Trusting my flight attendant I began to eat the chicken curry. Immediately my throat closed up and breathing became extremely difficult."

Fowler went on to add: "I told a flight attendant I couldn't breathe and if there was nuts in the food. I was told that there were no nuts in the chicken curry AGAIN. It was only when my friend demanded to see the food menu for the first time did I realise it was a 'Creamy Cashew Nut chicken Curry'."

He shared a video of him using an Epi-pen on his right thigh alongside a picture of him wearing an oxygen mask with a flight attendant holding an oxygen tank. Fowler also shared a picture of the alleged menu, which showed the Shahi Chicken Korma Curry dish, reports Wales Online.

"This left me with the real possibility of dying on the plane as I knew I needed emergency treatment immediately." He added: "I was given five tanks of Oxygen, as well as administering my Adrenaline Pen (Epi Pen).

"I told the flight supervisor 'If you don't land this plane soon, I will die on this plane'. This then lead to the pilot speeding up the journey. Once we landed I was rushed into Dubai's airport Hospital where I continued treatment."

What is a peanut allergy?

A peanut is a legume and in a different family to tree nuts. Cashews, which Jack is allergic to, are tree nuts, as are almonds, walnuts and pecans and pistachios.

Peanut allergies aren't uncommon, and according to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), 2.4 million adults in the UK are said to have a clinically confirmed food allergy. Out of these, peanuts and tree nuts such as hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds are among the most common allergens.

Almost one-third of Brits reportedly have food sensitivities. Severe peanut or peanut butter allergies can cause reactions even with minimal exposure.

What are the symptoms?

Jack Fowler
He revealed he almost died on board after an extreme allergic reaction to nuts -Credit:Instagram

One severe reaction is Anaphylaxis, marked by throat swelling, constriction of the airway, a sudden drop in blood pressure and shock. But symptoms of peanut allergy can vary greatly from person to person.

Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Hoarseness, wheezing, tightness in the throat or trouble breathing

  • Sneezing or coughing

  • Tingling or itching in the mouth

  • Hives

  • Swelling around the eyes

  • Itchy or watery eyes

  • Dizziness or fainting

  • Low blood pressure

  • Stomach ache

  • Diarrhoea

  • Vomiting

  • Anxiety about worsening symptoms

What causes these alarming reactions?

An allergic reaction happens when your immune system incorrectly identifies the protein within peanuts as harmful. This then leads to an excessive immune response, potentially causing damage to the body.

Most individuals become aware of their allergy after a minor reaction in early childhood. If you suspect your child might be allergic to peanuts, consult your doctor.

Why is a nut allergy so serious?

Peanuts can trigger a severe, potentially fatal allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Peanut allergies are notorious for their high rates of accidental exposure and severe reactions, including life-threatening anaphylaxis, compared to other food allergies.

Every year, between 7%-14% of individuals with a peanut allergy accidentally come into contact with peanuts each year. Of these, one-third to one-half may experience anaphylaxis, although fatalities are rare.

Tree nuts and peanuts contain various allergens, each with its unique shape that the immune system recognises differently. The more allergens a food has, the stronger its potency.

What treatment is available?

Currently, there is no known cure for peanut allergies. Those affected must be extremely careful to avoid any exposure to peanuts.

This can be challenging, as peanuts are often found in a variety of dishes and food products. Sometimes, peanuts can sneak into meals in unexpected ways, such as being used as a thickening agent in soups and sauces.

People with peanut allergies are typically advised to have their own peanut allergy treatment on hand. This usually involves using a medication called epinephrine, which is administered through a device known as an Epi Pen and injected into the bloodstream.

The use of epinephrine should be immediate if the person starts to struggle with breathing or exhibits signs of an allergic reaction in two different body parts, such as hives and vomiting. If administered quickly enough, epinephrine can halt a severe allergic reaction, but it's still crucial to seek immediate medical help.

How can one prevent an allergic reaction to peanuts?

To steer clear of an allergic reaction, you should:

  • Carefully read the ingredients on all packaged foods

  • Talk to a waiter about your peanut allergy

  • Only consume food if you can be assured it doesn’t contain peanuts and hasn’t come into contact with any peanut protein

  • Eat before attending parties where the ingredients in shared dishes are unknown

Emirates has been approached for comment.

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