For the record

Janjira Sombatpoonsiri, assistant professor at the Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, was incorrectly given the title of her previous role, assistant professor of political science at Thammasat University, in two articles (“Thai teenagers tell rulers: ‘We’re the meteorite and you are the dinosaurs’”, 22 November, page 41; “Fighting tyranny with milk tea: the young rebels joining forces in Asia”, 25 October, page 34).

White Mischief and The Langhorne Sisters by James Fox are works of non-fiction, not novels, as an interview with the writer said (“‘Keith Richards has a fantastic memory’”, 29 November, page 37, New Review).

A photo purporting to show the Old Deanery in Wells, Somerset, was actually of the music faculty at Wells Cathedral School (“Church plan to sell deanery ‘puts profit before community’”, 29 November, page 33).

A photo captioned as showing a volunteer being given the vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca was in fact of blood being taken (“Oxford controversy is the first shot in international battle over vaccine efficacy”, 29 November, page 6).

Other recently amended articles include:

Most expensive family feud in history to take the stage at London court

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