For the record

The headline of an article about Saint Nicholas parades in the Netherlands should not have referred to Christmas (“Will Dutch library ban on ‘Black Pete’ books spell end for ‘racist’ Christmas tradition?”, 15 November, page 33). Although the figure of Father Christmas arose from traditions associated with Saint Nicholas, the saint’s feast day in early December is a distinct celebration.

Sète is on the Languedoc coast, not in the Pyrenees, as a review of the memoir We Still Have Words said (“Two fathers’ pain, shared”, 15 November, page 45, New Review).

Film-maker Helena Coan is 26, rather than 28, as an article about her documentary on Audrey Hepburn stated (“‘The best-kept secret about Audrey is that she was so sad’”, 15 November, page 11).

Other recently amended articles include:

How we think about killers like Peter Sutcliffe tells us who we value in society

Bars and shops closed as Europe battles second wave of coronavirus

Social media firms must face sanction for ‘anti-vax content’, demands Labour

Religious intolerance is ‘bigger cause of prejudice than race’, says report

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