Red paint daubed across Cambridge Labour HQ entrance by protesters

Red paint was daubed across the entrance of the building where the Cambridge Labour Party has offices on Monday (April 29). The paint was splashed on the entrance of Alex Wood Hall in Norfolk Street.

The words "Is this really the lesser of two evils?" were also spray painted on the path near the building. This is Not a Drill climate protesters said of the action: "Coming two days before local elections, the action was taken to highlight the Labour Party's regressive stance on several key issues, including its complicity in Israel's genocide in Palestine.

"The Labour Party has failed to call for an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Additionally, Labour has dropped its green investment pledge, backed draconian new police powers, failed to offer adequate solutions to the cost of living crisis, and suppressed progressive and pro-union voices within the party."

A Cambridge Labour spokesperson said: "Cambridge Labour is thoroughly disappointed in this act of criminal damage. Alex Wood Hall is shared between our volunteers and a local charity which supports vulnerable people, so our first priority has been to ensure the building is safe for them.

"Cambridge Labour called for an immediate ceasefire on 2nd November as well as condemning the killing of innocent civilians and the siege on Gaza. This has been followed by several further public statements. Nationally, the party has also called for an 'immediate humanitarian ceasefire'.

"Locally, Labour remains focussed on tackling the crippling effects of the cost of living crisis, as well as investing £54 million in new community facilities and distributing over £1.1 million to community organisations this year. Labour has declared a climate and biodiversity emergency, with the City Council placed second of all district councils in Climate Emergency UK’s rankings of local authorities this year."