Red Sox Announcer Completely Botches Game-Winning Call

NESN broadcaster Dave O’Brien called it as he saw it in the 10th inning between the Boston Red Sox and the Minnesota Twins on Tuesday ― and he saw it all wrong.

O’Brien initially dismissed Alex Verdugo’s two-out, game-winning hit for the Bosox as a foul ball, but you really have to check it out for yourself:

The fly ball appeared to be heading foul down Fenway Park’s right-field line, but it stayed fair as it hit the wall. Verdugo got himself a walkoff winner of an RBI single to seal Boston’s 5-4 victory.

O’Brien gamely tried to recalibrate his call.

“A high fly down the right-field line, but that one toward the stands, and a foul ball,” he began, calmly. Then, suddenly shouting: “Actually, a fair ball! It’s fair! It’s off the wall and the Red Sox are going to win the game!”

Even fans of the rival Yankees can understand what it’s like to hear supremely botched play-by-play, so O’Brien can perhaps be forgiven.

Verdugo, for his part, probably could have used less time with the microphone as well. His analysis of his own hit on Tuesday featured more R-rated language than NESN reporter Jahmai Webster was hoping to hear:
