Reform candidate says upcoming election is 'once in a lifetime opportunity'

Reform candidate says upcoming election is 'once in a lifetime opportunity' <i>(Image: Andrei Dragotoniu)</i>
Reform candidate says upcoming election is 'once in a lifetime opportunity' (Image: Andrei Dragotoniu)

A REFORM UK candidate standing in Poole has said the upcoming election is a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’ to change the political landscape.

Andrei Dragotoniu is representing the party in the general election on Thursday, July 4.

He said: “Common sense politics and politicians who are not afraid to stand up and speak the truth are urgently needed in Parliament.

“Weak governments that bow down to the globalists and aggressive lobbyists have weakened our country and left people in fear of what the future holds.

“The people of Poole deserve to have an MP who will stand up and fight for them in Parliament.

“I hear time and time again, the previous Poole MP has not been available when needed, not fully championing the local people or truly representing them in Parliament.

“I can promise I will, and I will be proud to do so.”

Mr Dragotoniu said he would campaign to reduce crime in the town with ‘zero tolerance policies’, while campaigning for taxpayer funds to be used ‘where they are most needed’.

“Where the majority of people have been ignored by our previous conservative MP, I will be here in Poole working on their behalf,” he said.

“Labour are promising a better future if you vote for them, when in reality, they are offering just more of what we’ve had for the last 14 years, increased immigration, higher taxes and broken public services.

“The woke policies of the Lib Dems will ignore the majority and undemocratically drag us back into the EU without a thought to the real needs of our country.”

Mr Dragotoniu said he was hearing ‘fear’ from local people ‘loud and clear’.

“Fear of what’s happening in our country, lack of housing, lack of health care, lack of front-line services, lack of backbone in politics and policing, taxpayers' money being spent on vanity projects and fear that it will get worse not better,” he said.

He added the party was ‘here to stand up and fight on a local and national level’, saying a vote for Reform UK is a ‘step in the right direction’.

“I’ve spent the last 20 years building a career, moving up the ladder, from care, to retail and then to software engineering,” Mr Dragotoniu said.

“I’m ready to make a stand and I’m promising I will be there for all Poole residents to help make Poole a safe and beautiful place to live.”

A full list of candidates can be found on the Bournemouth Echo website.

Each Poole candidate’s answers to the Daily Echo’s six questions can be found here.