Rep. Madison Cawthorn Pledges Fealty To Trump With 1 Curious Exception

Far-right Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), who is getting booted from Congress after losing his primary, has released a new video pledging allegiance to former President Donald Trump.

But he has one exception.

“I will follow this man ’til the day I die,” Cawthorn vowed, before adding: “Y’know, barring some terrible information.”

Cawthorn did not elaborate about what would else would pass as “terrible information” given what’s already known about Trump, including numerous sexual assault accusations, two impeachments and the active investigations into his election lies which fueled a violent assault on the U.S. Capitol.

Cawthorn also scolded Republicans who weren’t standing behind Trump.

“Where is your loyalty?” he demanded in a clip posted on Instagram of those on the right who are fleeing from Trump, especially after the midterm elections turned into a stinging rebuke of his candidates. “This man fought for you.”

Cawthorn said Trump “made the world fear us” and added: “I want a president who people are terrified of.”

At 25, Cawthorn was the youngest person elected to Congress in more than half a century when he won his seat in 2020. But voters in his district soon grew tired of his antics, such as making claims he was invited by fellow Republicans to cocaine-fueled orgies. He also had some headline-making traffic stops, attempted to bring a gun on a plane and was accused of an “improper relationship” with a member of his staff.

Since losing his primary, Cawthorn has done little work. The Asheville Citizen Times even reported that he had vacated his office, which was no longer responding to constituents.

He also recently purchased a $1.1 million home with a boat in Florida.