Rep. Mike Lawler, NY Republicans rip Democratic opponents over ‘silence’ on rampant antisemitism at Columbia

lawler, inset of a nypost cover
lawler, inset of a nypost cover

Freshman Rep. Mike Lawler and other New York Republican lawmakers and congressional candidates laid into their Democratic opponents this week for keeping quiet about antisemitic protests at Columbia University — prompting a belated response to the attacks.

Mondaire Jones’ complete silence about the horrific antisemitism unfolding at Columbia and other college campuses speaks volumes about how little he actually cares for the Jewish community,” Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell said in a statement.

“Let’s not forget that Mr. Jones has said that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ‘inspires’ him; that he has ‘great respect’ for Pramilia Jayapal; and that Congress needs ‘more people like … Jamaal Bowman,’” Russell added.

Freshman New York GOP Rep. Mike Lawler’s re-election campaign laid into his Democratic challenger Mondaire Jones on Tuesday morning for maintaining “complete silence about the horrific antisemitism unfolding at Columbia.” Getty Images
Freshman New York GOP Rep. Mike Lawler’s re-election campaign laid into his Democratic challenger Mondaire Jones on Tuesday morning for maintaining “complete silence about the horrific antisemitism unfolding at Columbia.” Getty Images

“In other words, Radical Mondaire embraces and supports the same hateful extremists who are openly defending the antisemitic rhetoric and threats of violence against Jewish students and faculty.”

Jones, who is running to retake New York’s 17th Congressional District from Lawler, fired back in a statement to The Post: “I strongly condemn the antisemitic acts we continue to see against the Jewish community, and I stand committed to calling out my colleagues and those who perpetuate antisemitism.”

“That’s why I remain steadfast in my belief that we must defeat Mike Lawler, who has openly endorsed a well-known antisemite for Rockland County Legislature, and Donald Trump, who has consistently cozied up to Nazis. They must be defeated this November.”

Lawler last year endorsed James Foley for re-election in Rockland County, a legislator who used to run a Facebook page that opposed the “undue political influence” of Orthodox Jewish communities.

The 17th District, which covers parts of Westchester and Dutchess counties as well as Rockland and Putnam counties, has a large Jewish population — including several Hasidic communities.

Democrat Mondaire Jones fired back in a statement to The Post: “I strongly condemn the antisemitic acts we continue to see against the Jewish community.” AP
Democrat Mondaire Jones fired back in a statement to The Post: “I strongly condemn the antisemitic acts we continue to see against the Jewish community.” AP

The Lawler campaign also hit Jones for siding “with rabid antisemites” and then pretending “to be pro-Israel and a friend of the Jewish people.”

“What’s happening at Columbia is abhorrent and Mondaire Jones’ gutless reaction to it — or lack thereof — tells you all you need to know about who he really is and where his loyalties lie,” Russell said.

Jones issued his first public post on his campaign X account on Tuesday in response to the anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University, which had made the campus unsafe for Jewish students and faculty.

“What’s happening at Columbia is abhorrent and Mondaire Jones’ gutless reaction to it — or lack thereof — tells you all you need to know about who he really is and where his loyalties lie,” Russell said. New York Post
“What’s happening at Columbia is abhorrent and Mondaire Jones’ gutless reaction to it — or lack thereof — tells you all you need to know about who he really is and where his loyalties lie,” Russell said. New York Post

“The explosion of antisemitism on college campuses, including at Columbia, is horrifying and must be addressed by school administrators,” Jones said.

Lawler was among 10 House Republicans from the Empire State, led by conference chairwoman Elise Stefanik, who called for Columbia president Minouche Shafik to resign Monday.

Shafik — who had given misleading testimony to Congress last week that downplayed the growing Jew-hatred at Columbia — allowed “a large unauthorized antisemitic riot” to take over campus grounds since then, the lawmakers wrote in a letter.

Shafik allowed “a large unauthorized antisemitic riot” to take over campus grounds since her disastrous testimony before Congress, according to 10 New York House Republicans. James Keivom
Shafik allowed “a large unauthorized antisemitic riot” to take over campus grounds since her disastrous testimony before Congress, according to 10 New York House Republicans. James Keivom

“It is time for Columbia University to turn the page on this shameful chapter,” they said. “This can only be done through the restoration of order and your prompt resignation.”

Lawler joined Long Island GOP Rep. Anthony D’Esposito on campus Monday to condemn the university for harboring demonstrators at the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” who are demanding that Columbia divest from Israel.

Protesters who have praised Hamas and called for the eradication of Israel erected dozens of tents at the Morningside Heights campus — having returned after NYPD officers arrested more than 100 demonstrators last week following Shafik’s grilling in Congress.

The anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University has made the campus unsafe for Jewish students and faculty. Matthew McDermott
The anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University has made the campus unsafe for Jewish students and faculty. Matthew McDermott

During the height of the campus mayhem on Monday, Jones said he was looking “forward to gathering around the Seder table tonight with friends to be inspired once again by the story of Passover and the resilience of the Jewish people.

“Sending heartfelt wishes to you and your loved ones as you celebrate,” Jones said that afternoon.

The Democrat made no mention of a weekend warning from a prominent Columbia rabbi for Jewish students to remain at home for the holiday due to “extreme antisemitism,” with administrators later implementing remote-learning options for the rest of the spring semester.

Protesters who have praised Hamas and called for the eradication of Israel erected dozens of tents at the Morningside Heights campus. Matthew McDermott
Protesters who have praised Hamas and called for the eradication of Israel erected dozens of tents at the Morningside Heights campus. Matthew McDermott

The Columbia Jewish Alumni Association also penned a letter calling on Shafik to step down — and other alumni donors like New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft have pledged to pull funding for the school.

Democrat Josh Riley, who is challenging GOP Rep. Marc Molinaro in New York’s 19th District, told The Post Tuesday that “there can be no place on any campus for bigotry, hate speech, and antisemitism.”

“While peaceful protest is a hallmark of American democracy, I have no tolerance for intimidation or harassment of others based on who they are or how they worship,” Riley said. “Every student of every faith should be able to live and learn in a safe and secure environment.”

“Josh Riley is a DC Insider and a Harvard Law grad,” said Matt Organ, Molinaro’s campaign manager. “He’s silent on Jewish hate because he doesn’t want to jeopardize his support from these extreme individuals and groups.”

Republican Alison Esposito, who is running to unseat Democratic Rep. Pat Ryan in the 18th Congressional District, has also gone after her opponent for keeping quiet about the campus chaos.

“It’s no surprise that for days Pat Ryan has been silent on the recent antisemitic violent protests occurring on university campuses,” Esposito told The Post.

“He has consistently turned his back on Israel and has supported an anti-police agenda. Hamas and the actions of October 7 were evil terrorist attacks,” she said. “There’s only one side to be standing on and Pat is on the wrong side as usual.”

Sam Silverman, a spokesman for Ryan’s re-election campaign, told The Post that it was “pathetic that Ms. Esposito is trying to use our Israeli allies’ existential war for survival for her own political gain.”

“Of course Pat condemns this antisemitic behavior, as he has done repeatedly in Congress,” Silverman said, noting the congressman voted to condemn antisemitism on university campuses last December.

Ryan was also one of just 22 Democrats who voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) after she called for the eradication of Israel in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack — the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

“While [Esposito] spent the weekend making baseless accusations, Pat spent it meeting with local Jewish leaders and constituents about the disturbing and unacceptable rise in antisemitism, voting for over $26 billion in vital aid to Israel, working to provide more security for Jewish schools in the community, and celebrating Passover with his family,” he added.

“Maybe if she actually lived in our district, Ms. Esposito would know Pat’s consistent record of combating antisemitism.”

No congressional Democrats have called for Shafik’s resignation yet, but New Jersey Rep. Josh Gottheimer suggested Monday that could change soon.

“Are they going to take the right action? Are they going to clear the campus? Are they going to let Jewish students and professors go to class and teach?” he said on a visit alongside Reps. Dan Goldman (D-NY), Kathy Manning (D-NC) and Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.). “That’s the test.”