Republican Couple Absolutely Trashes Donald Trump Before Performing A Stunning 180

Donald Trump was slammed by a Republican-voting couple in the Trump stronghold of Roberts County, Texas, in an interview that aired on CNN on Tuesday.

Kay and Ron Swart, who voted for the presumptive GOP nominee in 2016 and 2020, agreed Trump has appalling ethics and isn’t fit for office.

But that still wouldn’t stop them from voting for the four-times-indicted former president in the 2024 election, they told CNN national correspondent Gary Tuchman.

Trump’s moral character is “terrible,” Kay Swart admitted to Tuchman.

“It can’t get much lower than it is,” she added. “He continues to make crazy comments about being a dictator his first day and repercussions against people who he feels have wronged him.”


Tuchman asked the couple if Trump would be fit to become POTUS again if he is found guilty in one of his four criminal cases.

“I don’t think he’s fit,” replied Kay Swart, before adding: “But I’m voting for him.”

Ron Swart, meanwhile, claimed the United States wouldn’t survive four more years “of Democrats in charge.”

Trump is “most definitely” of low character, poor morals and poor ethics, he said. “I feel as wrong as it’s going to be to have him for president, he’s still going to be a lot better president for the United States than what we’ve gotten with Joe Biden and the Democrats,” he added.

Watch the video here:
