Rescue Dog Unimpressed Christmas Pajamas Didn't Come in Her Size

A rescue dog couldn’t conceal her disappointment after missing out on a new pair of Christmas pajamas because the store didn’t carry her size.

Meredith McMurray filmed this video at her home in Beaumont, Texas, and told Storyful her dogs, named Gypsy and Tofu, “love each other very much”.

The footage shows Gypsy, dressed in a basic pink T-shirt, watching on unimpressed as Tofu shows off her new Christmas outfit.

“Poor G. She’s not jealous. She’s just sad,” McMurray wrote when sharing the video on TikTok. Credit: Meredith McMurray via Storyful

Video transcript

- Oh, can you sit? Oh. Oh, can you sit? Oh. Oh, can you sit? Oh. Oh, can you sit? Oh. Oh, can you sit? Oh.