Residents say traffic calming measures have made speeding worse on Darwen road

One of the chicanes on Pole Lane, Darwen
One of the chicanes on Pole Lane, Darwen -Credit:LDRS

An angry resident of Pole Lane, Darwen, has tackled local authority bosses over their failure to promise to remove chicanes she and her neighbours believe have made the road more dangerous.

Eileen Hall told Blackburn with Darwen's executive board the traffic calming measures on Pole Lane, Darwen, had done nothing to reduce speed on the highway. She and her neighbour Barbara Simpson attended the meeting on Thursday night to back up a 167 signature petition submitted to the local authority on the issue.

The residents say chicanes - intended to slow down traffic - have added to their safety concerns rather than alleviate them. However the council said they had not seen any tangible evidence to support the residents' claims.


Mrs Hall told borough growth boss Cllr Quesir Mahmood: “We are told there is no evidence to suggest that the traffic calming scheme/chicanes has made Pole Lane more dangerous despite the evidence submitted to the council in detail in my previous correspondence. For instance

  • vehicles driving on the wrong side of the road at speed;

  • vehicles speeding to get to the chicane before oncoming traffic;

  • vehicles driving through the chicanes at the same time from opposite ends;

  • vehicles overtaking waiting vehicles at give way markings;

  • vehicles driving on the pavement when chicanes are blocked; and

  • the dangers exiting and entering driveways:

  • Why is none of the this accepted as evidence. Has any of it been investigated?”

Cllr Mahmood replied: “The highway service considers this is anecdotal information rather than evidence as we have not received photographs or videos or other tangible evidence to demonstrate the points which have been raised. Mrs Hall has recently introduced a considerable amount of new information and it will need to be analysed by the highways team.

"The highways service has taken account of all the information previously provided along with the data provided by a speed survey undertaken in 2023. This is why we have suggested that the current traffic calming measures should be reviewed and amendments considered to further address residents’ concerns about vehicle speeds along Pole Lane.

"There is no available funding in this financial year for any remedial measures on Pole Lane. If Pole Lane is to be prioritised in 2024/2025 then something would need to be taken off the current approved capital programme or alternatively a proposal put forward for funding from the 2025/2026 programme.”

Mrs Hall asked him: “Why are the residents being asked to do the council’s work for it?"

After the exchange she said: “I am not happy with Cllr Mahmood’s response. We don’t wand additional measures. We want the chicanes removed. This is not democratic.”

Mrs Simpson said: “I live near the chicanes. They are very dangerous.”