Residents worried IX Wireless could return after being deterred earlier this year

James Mitchinson waited outside his home <i>(Image: NQ)</i>
James Mitchinson waited outside his home (Image: NQ)

A Bolton man who fought off an attempt by IX Wireless to install a mast outside his home earlier this year has said he and his neighbours are still on edge in case they return.

James Mitchinson came back from holiday earlier this year to discover there were plans to put the unit up near his home on Hardy Mill Road, Harwood.

And after a week on patrol, he sat on a chair outside his house and prevented the installation from taking place.

The poles have proved controversial in Bolton as, due to permitted development, the normal planning permission from the local authority is not required.

As a result, many people have been surprised to find them being installed near their homes with short or no notice and have been unable to do anything about it.

Read more: Bolton Council to investigate IX Wireless masts

Read more: Town centre  protests against telecom poles

Read more: Hundreds protest against IX Wireless poles

There have been roadworks ongoing on Hardy Mill Road which have closed the roads, meaning that no installation could take place in the past few weeks.

The Bolton News: James Mitchinson is unhappy about the IX development
The Bolton News: James Mitchinson is unhappy about the IX development

But Mr Mitchinson, an 81-year-old retired teacher, said he and his neighbours were still worried about the potential for IX Wireless installers to return.

He said: “Before the roadworks I was on guard.

“I did not leave the house unattended.

“There were neighbours who left cars on the drive.

“We are worried they will come back as they need another mast, they need to be within 70 metres of each other and need to be seen within plain sight.

“I do not know whether they are going to turn up.

The Bolton News: A pole was installed further up the street
The Bolton News: A pole was installed further up the street

“The roadworks have given us a bit of relief but a lot of people are still worried.”

Mr Mitchinson previously said he was strongly against one being installed outside his home, saying: "It would ruin the value of the house, it could be one of those monstrosities you see elsewhere."

IX Wireless has been approached for a comment.