Rishi Sunak to resign as Tory leader on Friday morning - reports

-Credit: (Image: AFP via Getty Images)
-Credit: (Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Rishi Sunak is poised to step down as the leader of the Conservative Party tomorrow morning. Tim Shipman, the Sunday Times' chief political commentator, shared his thoughts on Times Radio, suggesting that Sunak is likely to announce his resignation on Friday, following what is expected to be a sweeping Labour victory in the election.

On Twitter, Calum Macdonald from Times Radio reported: "@ShippersUnbound tells @TimesRadio's Election night that his understanding is that Rishi Sunak will announce his resignation as Conservative leader on Friday morning."

This development follows Sunak's earlier indications that he might not immediately resign as Tory leader if he were to lose Thursday's election. During a BBC interview with Chris Mason, Sunak avoided a direct response when questioned about his future as leader post-election.

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When asked whether he would continue as an MP throughout the next parliament regardless of the election outcome, Sunak affirmed: "Yes. I love my constituents, I love serving them. You know that was my day job and ... you know how passionate I am about our life and my home in north Yorkshire."

However, when probed by Mason on the possibility of staying on as leader for a few months after a potential defeat, Sunak said: "Look my priority is focused on this election. I love this party dearly, and of course I'll always put myself at the service of it, and the service of my country.", reports Birmingham Live.

"There was a really big push on the idea of going long, which meant December," a source revealed. "The people arguing for it said it would give people time to get settled in after the election, but it quickly became obvious that 'people' meant Kemi."

"Allowing a longer process would allow time for Kemi's people to be put in place in Conservative head office, and for her to be given a prominent shadow Cabinet role and build up her public profile," the source further added.

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