Rishi Sunak Has Somehow Managed Make The Tories As Unpopular As Liz Truss Did

Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss went head-to-head for the Tory leadership in 2022.
Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss went head-to-head for the Tory leadership in 2022. WPA Pool via Getty Images

The Tories are now as unpopular as they were when Liz Truss was leader.

In a pretty amazing achievement, Rishi Sunak has somehow managed to tank his party’s ratings to the same level they were at during his predecessor’s disastrous time in office.

According to an opinion poll tracker on Wikipedia, support for the Tories has plummeted to just over 20%.

The last time they were that low was in October 2022, when Truss was forced to resign in the wake of the calamitous mini-Budget, which led to economic meltodown.

Although the Conservatives have enjoyed a modest poll bump since Sunak became PM, their ratings have declined again since the start of the year.

Just last week, a poll by Ipsos put the party on just 20% - the lowest level with that pollster since they began in 1978.

Another poll released last Friday by People Polling put the Tories on 18% with the general election potentially just weeks away.

Even more worrying for Sunak, the poll of polls shows support for the right-wing Reform UK growing as traditional Tory supporters give them their backing.

Support for Labour, meanwhile, is around 45%, indicating that the party is on track for a large majority come the election.
