Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has some fans on Capitol Hill — they just happen to be Republicans

  • RFK Jr. might be running for President as a Democrat, but he has some fans among GOP lawmakers.

  • Sen. Ron Johnson told Insider he hopes Kennedy "gains traction and wins the nomination."

  • House Republicans have invited Kennedy to testify next week, and some Democrats say it's a political ploy.

When Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched his campaign to be the Democratic Party's presidential nominee in April, at least one Republican senator took the time to watch the entirety of Kennedy's nearly two-hour-long speech: Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.

"I hope he gains traction and wins the nomination," Johnson said of Kennedy, later quipping that he didn't "want to harm his chances by saying good things about him."

It's not all that difficult to see why Johnson, despite his roots as a Tea Party-style Republican, would find the Democratic presidential candidate attractive, even if he's not formally endorsing the man he calls "Bobby."

Both Johnson and Kennedy have questioned the science surrounding vaccines and got to know one another during the COVID-19 pandemic as fellow travelers in the "medical freedom" movement, largely defined by skepticism of the COVID vaccine and opposition to pandemic-era health mandates.

"He's displayed extraordinary political courage," said Johnson, recounting Kennedy's own narrative about how he took up anti-vaccine advocacy. "I got to respect people who do that."

Johnson's liking for Kennedy goes beyond just COVID and vaccines — he's on a similar wavelength with other aspects of Kennedy's conspiratorial worldview as well.

While the Republican senator stopped short of fully embracing the idea that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by intelligence agencies, he said that JFK and the Unspeakable — a book recommended to him by Kennedy that makes that very case — is "a pretty compelling and well-researched book."

Kennedy has long argued that his uncle was murdered by the CIA — and has also expressed doubts about who really killed his own father, former New York Sen. and US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.

And Johnson suggested that the continued refusal by both Biden and Trump to declassify all of the records pertaining to Kennedy's assassination merited further suspicion. "That tells you something, doesn't it?"

A curiosity and an opportunity

Kennedy, currently polling at an average of 14% in recent national polls, is unlikely to pose a serious challenge to President Joe Biden's renomination.

Many of Kennedy's political positions — even beyond his skepticism of vaccines — are out of step with Democratic primary voters, including his opposition to US support for Ukraine, and his espoused views on transgender people and the origins of AIDS.

But his unorthodox campaign has drawn interest and support from prominent, powerful figures, including Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and venture capitalist David Sacks. It's also a reminder of the fact that many Democratic voters say they'd like to see a nominee other than Biden, even if it's not Kennedy.

Meanwhile, right-wing media and conservative influencers have been all too eager boost Kennedy's candidacy, giving him greater exposure to a predominantly Republican audience.

That's certainly the case with some Republicans on Capitol Hill, who see Kennedy's candidacy as both a curiosity and an opportunity to score points against the other side.

"'Kennedy Democrats' are finding out the hard way they no longer belong in the Democrat Party," Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana recently tweeted. "Not my grandpa's Democrats!"

"Powerful," wrote Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas as he retweeted a video of Kennedy from the southern border, commending him as "one of the very few Dems willing to go to the border."

The 'backdrop of a committee hearing room'

House Republicans have invited Kennedy to testify next Thursday before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, a panel that's served as a key organ for GOP grievances against the FBI, Big Tech, and the so-called "Deep State."

Among the lawmakers who will have the opportunity to question Kennedy is Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, an idiosyncratic libertarian who's long been critical of the science around vaccines.

"I'd be interested in talking to him about vaccines," said Massie, who says he's followed Kennedy's "pretty active" advocacy around the issue on Twitter.

Rep. Jim Jordan, who says he texts with Kennedy’s campaign manager, has invited the Democratic presidential candidate to testify before a House subcommittee next week.
Rep. Jim Jordan, who says he texts with Kennedy’s campaign manager, has invited the Democratic presidential candidate to testify before a House subcommittee next week.Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Asked why the Democratic presidential candidate had been invited, subcommittee chair Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio pointed to Kennedy's membership in the so-called "Disinformation Dozen," a group of 12 online influencers identified by the nonprofit group Center for Countering Digital Hate as the source of the vast majority of anti-vaccine content on social media platforms in 2021.

The White House later cited that report to pressure social media platforms to ban the accounts, and both Kennedy and his organization, Children's Health Defense, have been removed from Twitter and Instagram in recent years, though his personal account has since been reinstated on both platforms.

Jordan also drew a link between the actions that social media companies have taken against Kennedy to former President Donald Trump's recent 37-count federal indictment for mishandling classified documents, obstructing justice, and making false statements.

"The Biden administration is trying to censor their Democrat opponent, and indict their Republican opponent," said Jordan. "Pretty scary stuff."

While Jordan offered little observation on Kennedy's campaign beyond pointing out his "unbelievable" polling, he said that he's texting buddies with Dennis Kucinich, the former Ohio congressman who's now managing Kennedy's campaign.

"He's a great guy, he's truly a friend," Jordan said of Kucinich. "You know, he's lefty. He's liberal, I'm conservative. But he's an old-school liberal who believes in the First Amendment."

Rep. Dan Goldman of New York, one of the more prominent Democrats on the subcommittee, characterized Kennedy's scheduled testimony as a mere political ploy to elevate Biden's primary opponent, giving him the "backdrop of a committee hearing room" to aid his campaign.

"What is clear from all of their investigations is they are solely focused on politically harming President Biden," said Goldman. "This is yet another cog in that."

Read the original article on Business Insider