The Rock Had A Long Day Filming Music For Moana’s Live Action Remake. Then The Crew Surprised Him With A Sweet Birthday Party

 Maui wearing a cocky smile in Moana and Dwayne Johnson standing confidently in the sun in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, side by side.
Maui wearing a cocky smile in Moana and Dwayne Johnson standing confidently in the sun in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, side by side.

As one would expect with the schedule of upcoming Dwayne Johnson movies, the man also known as The Rock is still on his ever-continuing grind. We can definitely see that in action, thanks to his return to the role of demi-god Maui in not only 2024’s Moana 2, but also the live action remake, is keeping him busy as anything.

But in a recent social media post from the Fast Saga vet, that hard work came with some sweet play, thanks to a surprise birthday celebration from his Moana crew. The ever active Johnson took to his online presence to share a very heartfelt moment, which coincided with his most recent birthday on May 2nd. Apparently after recording the “new version” of his signature Moana tune, an intimate party that also saw director Tommy Kail and vocal supervisor Alex Lacamoire on hand took place. Check out this pure Disney moment for yourself:

You have to wonder if, somewhere in the contract for Disney talent, there’s a clause that says, “Your employment is subject to potential surprise birthday celebrations, complete with the musical director of Hamilton playing accompaniment.” And if not, the fact that The Rock got this treatment for his own big day is even more special.

This video marks yet another special milestone in this WWE legend’s Moana journey, as Dwayne Johnson has also recently wrapped vocals for Moana 2. So the wheels seem to be turning quite fast for both fronts of this Disney princess resurgence. Though it is quite thankful that the Thomas Kail directed flesh and blood revamp was recently moved into 2026’s summer movie schedule.

As for how The Rock’s work on re-recording “You’re Welcome” has been going, well Johnson has provided us with an even deeper look behind the scenes for the process. Check out an early version of that “new version” Dwayne was talking about, below:

Going into his 52nd year of life, Dwayne Johnson doesn't look like he'll be slowing down any time soon. With his acting career entering a phase that balances reprising Maui's shenanigans with transformative efforts like his role in the upcoming A24 biopic The Smashing Machine, we're going to continue seeing that trademark hustle presenting itself.

That right there is why it's so nice to see The Rock taking time to celebrate his birthday, while also lifting up those he works with as a winning team. It may be hard playing a demigod, but Dwayne Johnson seems to make it look so easy. Now let's just hope his birthday happened to be a cheat day, so he could truly enjoy that delicious baked good presented in his honor.

Moana’s live action remake is currently set for release on July 10, 2026. However, Moana 2 is still on track for its surprising, but welcomed, November 27th debut on the 2024 movie schedule. And, of course, if you’d like to take that first voyage all over again, a Disney+ subscription is all you’ll need to see how far you’ll go on that nostalgic trip.